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accounts:ics_home_directory [2022/03/08 14:34]
vipada [Quotas]
accounts:ics_home_directory [2024/07/16 10:58] (current)
relkhou1 [Storage System]
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   * [[accounts:​snapshots|28 days of self service snapshots]] + long term disaster recovery backups   * [[accounts:​snapshots|28 days of self service snapshots]] + long term disaster recovery backups
 +==== Storage System ====
 +Typically, there are two types of storage systems at ICS.
 +=== Network File System ===
 +Network file system, NFS, is available on every managed ICS system. On Linux, NFS is managed by the automounter (autofs) service. Anything under /home, /extra/, or /auto is NFS and autofs managed. On Windows or Mac systems, the space is available via CIFS or SMB and mapped as a network drive. This is also included in /home/ and /extra/.
 +NFS Pros:
 +  * Available everywhere
 +  * Backups ​
 +  * Hourly snapshots
 +  * Access control
 +  * Quotas
 +NFS cons:
 +  * Only as fast as the network  ​
 +  * Expensive: ​ RAID + Snapshots + Fast Network are not cheap
 +=== Local File System ===
 +Local file systems are backed by local physical media and are only available on filesystems they are physically attached to. Most systems have local storage exposed for all users in /scratch or /tmp. Some faculty and researchers purchase extra and that's made available via /srv/disk# or srv/nvme#.
 +LocalFS Pros:
 +  * Cheap
 +  * Fast
 +  * Abundant
 +LocaFS Cons:
 +  * Scratch only, no backup
 +  * Localhost only.
 +  * Available over network via slower protocols, fuse or sshfs
 ==== Quotas ==== ==== Quotas ====
-The following chart lists current quota limits for home directories that are on Tardigrade. ​ There are no limits on the number of files a user may own.+The following chart lists current quota limits for home directories that are on Tardigrade. ​ There are no limits on the number of files a user may own. Quota only counts what is in your /​home/​*username* directory.
 | **Account Type** ​ | **Quota** ​ | | **Account Type** ​ | **Quota** ​ |
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 | Visitors | TBD | | Visitors | TBD |
-\\ +=== How much space am I using? ​===
-=== Over Quota ===+
 Are you getting an over quota message but when running **df -h** it shows that there TBs of available space? ​ Are you getting an over quota message but when running **df -h** it shows that there TBs of available space? ​
accounts/ics_home_directory.1646778854.txt.gz · Last modified: 2022/03/08 14:34 by vipada
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