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accounts:ics_home_directory [2024/07/10 10:49]
relkhou1 [Quotas]
accounts:ics_home_directory [2024/07/16 10:58] (current)
relkhou1 [Storage System]
Line 55: Line 55:
 NFS cons: NFS cons:
   * Only as fast as the network  ​   * Only as fast as the network  ​
-  * Expensive: ​ RAID + Snapshots + Fast Network are no cheap+  * Expensive: ​ RAID + Snapshots + Fast Network are not cheap
 === Local File System === === Local File System ===
accounts/ics_home_directory.1720633775.txt.gz ยท Last modified: 2024/07/10 10:49 by relkhou1
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