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announce:fall-2016 [2016/10/17 15:59]
luciad [SSL Certificates for ICS Hosts]
announce:fall-2016 [2016/11/29 13:49] (current)
Hans [Instructional Scratch Space]
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-====== Fall Quarter 2016 Announcements ​(work in progress) ​======+====== Fall Quarter 2016 Announcements======
-==== Technology Purchases ==== +===== Instructional Lab Updates ​=====
- +
-ICS Computing Support can help clarify solutions, identify resources that are already available to you, and put you in touch with vendors that offer reduced pricing on some software and hardware, so please check with us before making technology purchases. +
- +
----- +
- +
-==== Instructional Lab Updates ====+
-=== Keeping Instructional Labs Clean ===+==== Keeping Instructional Labs Clean ====
 Instructors,​ please urge your TAs to enforce the "NO FOOD or DRINKS"​ rule in the Instructional Labs.  The care for the labs is everyone'​s responsibility. Instructors,​ please urge your TAs to enforce the "NO FOOD or DRINKS"​ rule in the Instructional Labs.  The care for the labs is everyone'​s responsibility.
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 There are brand new chairs and desks in the first floor labs.  The carpets were replaced, and the walls were painted last summer. ​ Please make sure that your TAs and especially your students understand that we are all caretakers of this space. ​ How we leave these labs to the next crop of students reflects on all of us.  Everyone is encouraged to contact their TA, the lab attendant in CS 364 at x47553, or Computing Support at x44222 to report lab rule violations. There are brand new chairs and desks in the first floor labs.  The carpets were replaced, and the walls were painted last summer. ​ Please make sure that your TAs and especially your students understand that we are all caretakers of this space. ​ How we leave these labs to the next crop of students reflects on all of us.  Everyone is encouraged to contact their TA, the lab attendant in CS 364 at x47553, or Computing Support at x44222 to report lab rule violations.
-=== Openlab Changes ===+==== Openlab Changes ​====
     * Added 40 more 8-core HP Proliant 360 G5's with 32GB RAM     * Added 40 more 8-core HP Proliant 360 G5's with 32GB RAM
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 More information on using [[:​services:​sun_grid_engine|Son of Grid Engine Queueing System (SGE)]] More information on using [[:​services:​sun_grid_engine|Son of Grid Engine Queueing System (SGE)]]
-=== Undergraduate ​Scratch Space ===+==== Instructional ​Scratch Space  ====
-Two (2) TB of space on the Bren School'​s filer have been set aside for undergraduate instruction scratch space. The space is available to both Windows (smb) and ICS-supported Linux (nfs) clients.+  * [[hardware:​storage:​ugrad_space|Undergraduate Instructional Scratch Space]] 
 +  * [[hardware:​storage:​grad_space|Graduate Instructional Scratch Space]]
-From a Windows host, please use the smb path [[\\samba.ics.uci.edu\ugrad_space|\\samba.ics.uci.edu\ugrad_space]] and enter your ICS credentials when prompted. 
-From an ICS-supported Linux host, the space may be accessed by this path:  /​auto/​ugrad_space. 
 ====   ==== ====   ====
 ---- ----
 +===== Linux Software Updates =====
 +The following packages have been installed or updated in the ICS package library.
 +  * R 3.2.5
 +  * R 3.3.1
 +  * altera modelsim/​15.1
 +  * boost 1.61
 +  * gcc 5.4.0
 +  * gcc 5.2.0
 +  * java 1.8.0_91
 +  * java 1.8.0_101
 +  * java 1.8.0_102
 +  * mathematica 10.4.1
 +  * mathematica 11.0.0
 +  * matlab
 +  * mysql 5.7.15
 +  * python 3.3.3
 +  * python 3.3.5
 +  * python 2.7.12
 +  * python 3.5.2
 +  * sas 9.4
 +  * zlib 1.2.8
 +  * zlib 1.2.5
 +  * pcre 8.39
 +  * bzip2 1.0.6
 +  * xz 5.2.2
 +  * curl 7.49.1
 +Please visit the [[commands:​modules|Modules]] swiki page for more information about adding these to your environment.
 +===== Zoom Conferencing Service=====
 +The UC has entered into a site-wide agreement with Zoom for video, web and audio conferencing. ​ Please send email to helpdesk@ics.uci.edu if you would like more information about obtaining a license for the product.
 +Zoom Education is a video, audio and web conferencing service accessible by the internet (computers, tablets, smartphones) and telephone. ​ Each conference session has one or more hosts and participants. ​ Only hosts need have Zoom accounts. ​
 +More information about the UC-wide agreement [[http://​www.oit.uci.edu/​telephone/​conference/​zoom-conferencing-service/​|here]]
 +=====General Announcements=====
 +==== Technology Purchases ====
 +ICS Computing Support can help clarify solutions, identify resources that are already available to you, and put you in touch with vendors that offer reduced pricing on some software and hardware, so please check with us before making technology purchases.
 ==== ICS Supported Operating Systems ==== ==== ICS Supported Operating Systems ====
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 ---- ----
-==== Linux Software Updates ==== 
-The following packages have been installed or updated in the ICS package library. 
-  * R 3.2.5 
-  * R 3.3.1 
-  * altera modelsim/​15.1 
-  * boost 1.61 
-  * gcc 5.4.0 
-  * gcc 5.2.0 
-  * java 1.8.0_91 
-  * java 1.8.0_101 
-  * java 1.8.0_102 
-  * mathematica 10.4.1 
-  * mathematica 11.0.0 
-  * matlab 
-  * mysql 5.7.15 
-  * python 3.3.3 
-  * python 3.3.5 
-  * python 2.7.12 
-  * python 3.5.2 
-  * sas 9.4 
-  * zlib 1.2.8 
-  * zlib 1.2.5 
-  * pcre 8.39 
-  * bzip2 1.0.6 
-  * xz 5.2.2 
-  * curl 7.49.1 
-Please visit the [[commands:​modules|Modules]] swiki page for more information about adding these to your environment. 
 ==== Cloud Computing and Virtual Machines ==== ==== Cloud Computing and Virtual Machines ====
-ICS Computing Support offers ​serval ​virtual computing environments [[virtual_environments:​|Virtual Environments]]. ​ +ICS Computing Support offers ​several ​virtual computing environments.  Please see [[:virtual_environments:​virtual_environments|Virtual Environments]].
 === Cloud Environments === === Cloud Environments ===
-ICS Computing Support can help you setup and design ​your cloud cluster ​and ICS environments can be extended to the cloud.+ICS environments can be extended to the cloud.  ​ICS Computing Support can help you design, ​setup and, in some cases, manage ​your cloud cluster. ​ 
-  ​* [[virtual_environments:​google_cloud|Google Cloud Engine @ ICS]] +    ​* [[:virtual_environments:​google_cloud|Google Cloud Engine @ ICS]] 
-  * [[virtual_environments:​aws|Amazon Web Services @ UCI]]+    * [[:virtual_environments:​aws|Amazon Web Services @ UCI]]
 === Virtual Machines === === Virtual Machines ===
-Many public and research hosts are setup to run the following virtual environments. ​ +Many public and research hosts are set up to run the following virtual environments.
-  ​* [[virtual_environments:​virtual_box|Oracle Virtual Box]] +    ​* [[:virtual_environments:​virtual_box|Oracle Virtual Box]] 
-  * [[virtual_environments:​vagrant|Vagrant]] +    * [[:virtual_environments:​vagrant|Vagrant]] 
-  * [[virtual_environments:​docker|Docker]]+    * [[:virtual_environments:​docker|Docker]] 
 +====   ====
-==== ==== 
 ---- ----
-==== ICS Data Center Services ==== 
-ICS has a 1600 square foot data center and manages 571 pieces of equipment in the data center including 479 bare metal servers. ​ More statistics are available [[:​vital_statistics|here]].+==== ICS Data Center Services ====
-ICS researchers may place [[services:​supported_hardware|supported hardware]] in the ICS data center ​free of recurring charges. ​ Researchers are expected to pay for any infrastructure costs associated with their equipment ​and are occasionally asked to help with general infrastructure costs for running ​the data center.  ​+ICS has a 1600-square-foot ​data center ​and manages 571 pieces ​of equipment ​in the data center, including 479 bare metal servers.  ​More statistics are available [[services:​vital_statistics|here]].
 +ICS researchers may place [[:​services:​supported_hardware|supported hardware]] in the ICS data center free of recurring charges. ​ Researchers are expected to pay for any infrastructure costs associated with their equipment and are occasionally asked to help with general infrastructure costs for running the data center.
 ---- ----
announce/fall-2016.1476745178.txt.gz · Last modified: 2016/10/17 15:59 by luciad
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