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announce:fall-2018 [2018/10/02 16:28]
announce:fall-2018 [2018/10/08 16:14] (current)
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-**We'​re still building this page**+====== Fall Quarter 2018 Announcements ======
-For the latest ​announcements our [[:​announce:​summer-2018|Summer Quarter 2018 Announcements]] instead.+=== emp.ics.uci.edu CentOS7 Update=== 
 +The emp.ics.uci.edu host cluster is being updated to CentOS7 as of 10/​22/​2018. ​  Users ssh'​ing into emp.ics.uci.edu after this date will be presented with a CentOS7 host. 
 +The CentOS6 environment will continue to be available to staff and faculty until the beginning of Winter quarter. ​ You may log into the older CentOS6 environment by ssh into **emp6.ics.uci.edu** 
 +The new CentOS7 environment is immediately available for testing by ssh'​ing into emp7.ics.uci.edu. 
 +For the last quarter'​s ​announcements ​see our [[:​announce:​summer-2018|Summer Quarter 2018 Announcements]] instead.
announce/fall-2018.1538522894.txt.gz · Last modified: 2018/10/02 16:28 by Hans
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