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announce:fall-2020 [2020/12/18 16:54]
announce:fall-2020 [2021/01/12 14:07] (current)
luciad [ICS Account/ICS Gsuite Password Synchronization to End]
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 Final ICS Account/ICS Gsuite password synchronization has been delayed until 1/​5/​2021. ​  ​Unexpected messages were received during a test run of the new account synchronization. ​ Out of an abundance of caution we have delayed implementation until after the break while we work with our Google support team to ensure the notifications are harmless. Final ICS Account/ICS Gsuite password synchronization has been delayed until 1/​5/​2021. ​  ​Unexpected messages were received during a test run of the new account synchronization. ​ Out of an abundance of caution we have delayed implementation until after the break while we work with our Google support team to ensure the notifications are harmless.
-On January 5, 2021 ICS Computing Support will begin managing ICS account passwords and ICS Gsuite passwords separately. ​ **Most users will not immediately notice this change.** +On January 5, 2021 ICS Computing Support will begin managing ICS account passwords and ICS Gsuite passwords separately. ​ **Most users will not immediately notice this change.** But this change means that, in the future, in order to change your [[accounts:​ics_google_apps|ICS Gsuite]] passwords you will use a new tool.  There will be no changes ​to the way that [[accounts:​faqs|ICS account]] passwords are managed.
-But this change means that, in the future, in order to change your [[accounts:​ics_google_apps|ICS Gsuite]] passwords you will use a new tool.  There will be no change ​to the way that [[accounts:​faqs|ICS account]] passwords are managed.+
-  * To change the password for your campus ICS password, please continue using https://​password.ics.uci.edu +  * To change the password for your campus ICS account, please continue using https://​password.ics.uci.edu 
-  * To change the password for your ICS Gsuite ​Password, please ​login to your ICS Gsuite account and use this [[https://​support.google.com/​accounts/​answer/​41078|Google Tool]]+  * To change the password for your ICS Gsuite ​account, please ​log in to your ICS Gsuite account and use this [[https://​support.google.com/​accounts/​answer/​41078|Google Tool]]
 Please send questions and comments to helpdesk@ics.uci.edu. Please send questions and comments to helpdesk@ics.uci.edu.
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 ==== Strict Spam Checking Applied to ICS Email Forwarding==== ==== Strict Spam Checking Applied to ICS Email Forwarding====
-ICS is changing ​it'​s ​spam and malware scanning policy to streamline delivery to external mail providers.+ICS is changing ​its spam and malware scanning policy to streamline delivery to external mail providers.
 **Who will this affect**: ​ This affects any user that forwards their ICS email to an external mail provider (e.g. @gmail.com, @hotmail.com) **Who will this affect**: ​ This affects any user that forwards their ICS email to an external mail provider (e.g. @gmail.com, @hotmail.com)
announce/fall-2020.1608339297.txt.gz · Last modified: 2020/12/18 16:54 by Hans
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