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Table of Contents
Note: Some links in this message will open to the Support Wiki. Please use your ICS credentials when prompted.
ICS Grafana and Prometheus
Grafana Metrics: Statistics are being collected and graphed via Prometheus and Grafana. Charts are available to view at the following URL(Please login using your ICS credentials).
Internal Documentation
Staff and faculty have been editor access to the grafana dashboards. Faculty and supervisors may send mail to in order to request additonal privilege for students.
All other users have been granted viewer permissions.
Dashboards and Prometheus Exporters
We are currently running the base Prometheus node_exporter as well as the Postfix SMTP exporter. Feel free to send requests for additional dashboards or editors to
ICS Account/ICS Gsuite Password Synchronization to End
On December 18th, 2020 ICS Computing Support will begin managing ICS account passwords and ICS Gsuite passwords separately. Most users will not immediately notice this change. But this change means that, in the future, in order to change your ICS Gsuite passwords you will use a new tool. There will be no change to the way that ICS account passwords are managed.
- To change the password for your campus ICS password, please continue using
- To change the password for your ICS Gsuite Password, please login to your ICS Gsuite account and use this Google Tool
Please send questions and comments to
Strict Spam Checking Applied to ICS Email Forwarding
ICS is changing it's spam and malware scanning policy to streamline delivery to external mail providers.
Who will this affect: This affects any user that forwards their ICS email to an external mail provider (e.g.,
Who will this not affect: Any mail that is delivered locally or through ICS Gsuite.
When: Initial changes were made 10/23/2020. Changes will be complete on 10/27/2020.
How do I opt out: Faculty, staff, and graduate students may opt out by setting up ICS Gsuite delivery
Currently, only ICS mail that is delivered locally is scanned for spam, phishing, and malware. ICS Email systems rely on mail providers to scan for mail and malware upon delivery. This policy has resulted in some mail providers to black listing ICS mail servers.
In order to address this, beginning on 10/23/2020, messages received by ICS and forwarded to non-ICS mail services will be scanned. Messages identified as spam will be bounced back to sender. Messages containing super-spam or malware will not be delivered. Send email to if you have any questions.
Forwarding your mail
All ICS faculty and staff have a UCI AD account setup ( This AD account comes with UCI Exchange email ( and calendar services as well as access to Office 365. Meeting invitations are generally sent to this inbox. We recommend that you verify that the email is being forwarded to where you normally read UCI emails by following the directions below. Otherwise, you may miss important messages and meeting announcements: Email Forwarding.
Please note that this Office 365 password may be different than your UCInetid one. To reset your Office 365/AD password, visit the Office 365 tab at Password Reset. For more information on email options, check Email Overview.
Research VM Instance Farm
Several bare metal hosts are being made available to faculty and research groups to run self managed VM instances based on Vagrant and Virtual Box. Each instance will receive a static DHCP address and host name that will be accessible on or off campus. Each VM will be self managed and maintained by faculty or research groups to provide themselves with services that are not readily available through ICS Computing Support's managed offerings. VM Instances will be sharing processor time on several HP Proliant SL390s G7 blades (Dual 3.333 Ghz Intel 6-core processor and 96GB RAM) running CentOS 8 that were donated to the school last year.
If you are interested in a VM instance, please email and let us know the purpose of the instance as well as the period of time that the instance will be needed.
Openlab with Centos 8
A new Openlab cluster consisting of 48 HP Proliant SL390s G7 blades (Dual 3.333 Ghz Intel 6-core processor and 96GB RAM) running CentOS 8 is available for fall quarter. The cluster has been designated openlab8. Please login and test out the new cluster, we anticipate migrating the older openlab hosts to CentOS 8 this coming quarter.
Shell Access
Users can open shells on this cluster by connecting to from on campus, and from off campus using ssh keys.
Distributed Jobs
Long running jobs should be submitted to the cluster via slurm. The parition name for this new cluster is openlab8.p. Slurm will replace SGE on all CentOS7, CentOS8 and Ubuntu hosts going forward. Please contact for help converting old SGE scripts to SLURM scripts.
Jupyterlab @ ICS and Jupyter Notebooks for Instruction
ICS Computing Support is excited to announce Jupyterub@ICS. The ICS hub turns any web browser into a Linux Terminal AND offers several web-based apps, including a console, Rstudio, XDesktop, and VSCode.
A personalized docker container
- Runing Ubuntu 20.04
- Based on
- Persistant Data*
- User's ICS home directory mounted
- Synchornized to openlab directories.
- IDE's
- VSCode
- Rstudio
- Notebooks
- Python
- JavaScript
- Julia
- R
- CLI Tools
- gcc/g++ and debugger
- python3
- R
- Java
- GIT Integration tools
- X Server
Adobe Creative Cloud
All Adobe Creative Cloud apps are now available for free to enrolled UCI students, current employees, and their guests/sponsored accounts.
Visit this page for more information and this OIT guide for download and install directions.