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announce:spring-2019 [2019/06/04 17:20]
Hans [Duo Maintenance Update]
announce:spring-2019 [2019/06/06 11:23] (current)
Hans [Duo Maintenance Update]
Line 25: Line 25:
 </​code>​ </​code>​
-</​code>​ +Beginning in early June, in order to accommodate Duo hardware tokens, ​ users that are enrolled in Duo will be presented with the following menu when logging in:
- +
-  ​Beginning in early June, in order to accommodate Duo hardware tokens, ​ users that are enrolled in Duo will be presented with the following menu when logging in:+
 <​code>​ <​code>​
 Duo two-factor login for ____ Duo two-factor login for ____
Line 43: Line 41:
 **Note about ssh-keys**: ​ All users logging into emp.ics.uci.edu will receive this prompt regardless of whether or not they are using [[accounts:​ssh_keys|ssh-keys]]. ​  At this time we only expect to make this change on emp.ics.uci.edu and multi factor authentication prompts will not appear on other hosts for users using ssh-keys. **Note about ssh-keys**: ​ All users logging into emp.ics.uci.edu will receive this prompt regardless of whether or not they are using [[accounts:​ssh_keys|ssh-keys]]. ​  At this time we only expect to make this change on emp.ics.uci.edu and multi factor authentication prompts will not appear on other hosts for users using ssh-keys.
 +==== SendEnv DUO_PASSCODE per Platform ​ ====
 +=== Linux ===
 +Add the following line in ///​etc/​ssh/​ssh_config//: ​
 +Then, in your environment,​ set DUO_PASSCODE variable:
 +export DUO_PASSCODE=push
 +=== Putty===
 +Navigate to Connection->​Data ​
 + ​{{:​accounts:​putty-duo_passcode.jpg?​300|}}
 ==== Retire faculty and students server ==== ==== Retire faculty and students server ====
announce/spring-2019.1559694014.txt.gz · Last modified: 2019/06/04 17:20 by Hans
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