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Spring Quarter 2019 Announcements

Duo Maintenance Update

Changes will be made to duo process running on Beginning in early June, in order to accommodate Duo hardware tokens, users that are enrolled in Duo will be presented with the following menu when logging in:

Duo two-factor login for ____

Enter a passcode or select one of the following options:

 1. Duo Push to XXX-XXX-4267
 2. Duo Push to Android

Passcode or option (1-2): 
  • Users that use the Duo app should choose option 1 to continue to have Duo push to their phone.
  • Users that will use a hardware token or phone app passcode can simply enter it now.

Note about ssh-keys: All users logging into will receive this prompt regardless of whether or not they are using ssh-keys. At this time we only expect to make this change on and multi factor authentication prompts will not appear on other hosts for users using ssh-keys.

Retire faculty and students server

The two servers and will be retired at the end of Spring Quarter.

  • The servers are not used often anymore.
  • There are more options available than when these servers were setup.
  • If there is a need for the server, please email and describe what services you need that these servers provide. There may be better options that could work.
announce/spring-2019.1559235619.txt.gz · Last modified: 2019/05/30 10:00 by Hans
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