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announce:summer-2018 [2018/08/29 14:42]
Hans [Instruction Computing Support]
announce:summer-2018 [2024/01/29 14:55] (current)
wdcohen [Managed Computing with Full Sudo Privilege]
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 ====== Summer Quarter Announcements 2018 ====== ====== Summer Quarter Announcements 2018 ======
-===== Instructional Computing Support ===== 
-====Instructional Virtual Machine Support @ ICS====+ 
 +==== Instructional Computing Support ==== 
 +===Instructional Virtual Machine Support @ ICS=== 
 +**Directions for general use:  [[virtual_environments:​ivhe_general|Instructional Virtual Machines]]** 
 ICS Computing Support runs a cluster of machines capable of providing personal virtual machines for ICS stduents. ICS Computing Support runs a cluster of machines capable of providing personal virtual machines for ICS stduents.
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 If you would like to find out how this  service can be good fit for your course, undergraduate or graduate, send a message to helpdesk@ics.uci.edu and we will reach out. If you would like to find out how this  service can be good fit for your course, undergraduate or graduate, send a message to helpdesk@ics.uci.edu and we will reach out.
-More information is available on our Support Wiki:  [[virtual_environments:​virtual_environments|Virtual Environments]]+More information is available on our Support Wiki: [[virtual_environments:​virtual_environments|Virtual Environments]]
-==== Unlimited Instructional Storage ​====+=== Unlimited Instructional Storage ===
 Undergraduate and Graduate students have access to unquotad storage space. ​  ​Please use the appropriate link: Undergraduate and Graduate students have access to unquotad storage space. ​  ​Please use the appropriate link:
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   * [[hardware:​storage:​grad_space|Unlimited Graduate Student Storage]]   * [[hardware:​storage:​grad_space|Unlimited Graduate Student Storage]]
-==== Instructional ​Computer ​Clusters ​====+=== Instructional ​Compute ​Clusters ===
-The schools provides over 80 distinct computer nodes for instructional and general use;+The schools provides over 80 distinct computer nodes for instructional and general use.  These nodes are generally accessible under the name //​openlab.ics.uci.edu//​.
   * [[accounts:​connecting_to_openlab|Connecting to Openlab]]   * [[accounts:​connecting_to_openlab|Connecting to Openlab]]
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   * [[hardware:​cluster:​opengpu|Openlab GPU Hosts Specifications]]   * [[hardware:​cluster:​opengpu|Openlab GPU Hosts Specifications]]
-==== Job Scheduling ​====+=== Job Scheduling ===
 ICS Computing runs [[https://​arc.liv.ac.uk/​trac/​SGE|Sun Grid Engine (SGE)]] to perform job scheduling and distribution to the myriad of instructional and research compute clusters. ​   ICS Computing runs [[https://​arc.liv.ac.uk/​trac/​SGE|Sun Grid Engine (SGE)]] to perform job scheduling and distribution to the myriad of instructional and research compute clusters. ​  
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-==== Other Information ​====+=== Other Instructional Resource Related ​Information ===
   * [[services:​ics_lab_printing|WIFI Printing in Openlab]]   * [[services:​ics_lab_printing|WIFI Printing in Openlab]]
 +====OpenGPU Cluster====
 +We are adding new hardware to the [[hardware:​cluster:​opengpu|OpenGPU]]
 + ​lab.  ​
-====OpenGPU Cluster====+This summer we add one 4 GPU system: 
 +^Description ^Information | 
 +|Count |1 | 
 +|Model |Supermicro SYS-7049GP-TRT| 
 +|Processor |Intel(R) Xeon(R) Silver 4114 CPU @ 2.20GHz| 
 +|GPU|NVIDIA Corporation GP102 [TITAN Xp]| 
 +|RAM |128 GB | 
 +|HDD | SSD 480GB| 
 +|RAID |none | 
 +|Redundant Power |Yes | 
 +Send questions regarding the OpenGPU lab to helpdesk@ics.uci.edu. ​  Feel free to use these system, the more our openlab and opengpu clusters are used, the more equipment we can install. 
 +==== Software Updates==== 
 +The following software packages are available via the [[https://​swiki.ics.uci.edu/​doku.php/​commands:​modules|ICS module]] command: 
 +Version 5.2.0 has is available on all CentOS7 hosts with support for jupyter. ​  
 +<​code>​module load anaconda3</​code>​ 
 +Version 1.68 has is available on all CentOS7 hosts. 
 +<​code>​module load boost</​code>​ 
 +Version 1.8.0_181 is available to all CentOS7 hosts.  
 +<​code>​module load java</​code>​ 
 +Version 7.3.0 is available to all CentOS7 hosts.  
 +<​code>​module load gcc/​7.3.0</​code>​ 
 +R 3.5.1 is available on all CentOS7 hosts along with over 600 included packages. 
 +<​code>​module load R</​code>​
 +Version 5.4.9 is available to all CentOS7 hosts. ​ `module load java`
 +<​code>​module load stunnel</​code>​
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 === Managed ​ === === Managed ​ ===
-Managed means that ICS Computing ​Suport ​will:+Managed means that ICS Computing ​Support ​will:
   * Provision the operating system ​   * Provision the operating system ​
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 ==== FOSS Tool Recomendations ==== ==== FOSS Tool Recomendations ====
 [[https://​swiki.ics.uci.edu/​doku.php/​software:​commontools|Recommended tools]], free and open source. ​  Let us know if you have more suggestions. [[https://​swiki.ics.uci.edu/​doku.php/​software:​commontools|Recommended tools]], free and open source. ​  Let us know if you have more suggestions.
 +==== Insecure SSL Protocols Disabled on Mail Servers ====
 +Per request by Campus IT Security, older insecure protocols have been turned off on SMTP,IMAP and POP mail servers. ​ Some older clients may experience trouble when connecting to ICS mail services. ​  ​Please contact the [[https://​swiki.ics.uci.edu/​doku.php#​contacting_ics_computing_support_helpdesk|ICS Computing Support Helpdesk]] if you believe you are affected.
announce/summer-2018.1535578928.txt.gz · Last modified: 2018/08/29 14:42 by Hans
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