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announce:summer-2019 [2019/10/16 11:00]
Hans [Jupyterhub @ ICS and Jupyter Notebooks]
announce:summer-2019 [2019/10/16 11:09] (current)
Hans [Duo MFA @ UCI]
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-====Duo ​Maintenance Update====+====Duo ​MFA @ UCI====
-Changes will be made to duo process running on emp.ics.uci.edu+DUO multifactor authentication is required for all campus'​ faculty, staff, and paid students beginning fall quarter in order to prevent unauthorized acces fo institution resources.
-Users may force the old behavior, an autopush to their phone or tablet ap, by setting and exporting the following variable+[[https://​www.oit.uci.edu/​news/​required-multifactor-authentication-account-protection/​|Campus Announcement]] 
-<​code>​ + 
-DUO_PASSCODE=push +===Duo MFA on emp.ics.uci.edu===
 Beginning in early June, in order to accommodate Duo hardware tokens, ​ users that are enrolled in Duo will be presented with the following menu when logging in: Beginning in early June, in order to accommodate Duo hardware tokens, ​ users that are enrolled in Duo will be presented with the following menu when logging in:
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   * Users that use the Duo app should choose option 1 to continue to have Duo push to their phone.   * Users that use the Duo app should choose option 1 to continue to have Duo push to their phone.
   * Users that will use a hardware token or phone app //​passcode//​ can simply enter it now.   * Users that will use a hardware token or phone app //​passcode//​ can simply enter it now.
 +Users may force the old behavior, an autopush to their phone or tablet app, by setting and exporting the following variable:
 **Note about ssh-keys**: ​ All users logging into emp.ics.uci.edu will receive this prompt regardless of whether or not they are using [[accounts:​ssh_keys|ssh-keys]]. ​  At this time we only expect to make this change on emp.ics.uci.edu and multi factor authentication prompts will not appear on other hosts for users using ssh-keys. **Note about ssh-keys**: ​ All users logging into emp.ics.uci.edu will receive this prompt regardless of whether or not they are using [[accounts:​ssh_keys|ssh-keys]]. ​  At this time we only expect to make this change on emp.ics.uci.edu and multi factor authentication prompts will not appear on other hosts for users using ssh-keys.
announce/summer-2019.1571248848.txt.gz · Last modified: 2019/10/16 11:00 by Hans
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