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announce:winter-2017 [2017/02/27 14:22]
Hans created
announce:winter-2017 [2017/05/30 09:52] (current)
Hans [Storage News @ ICS]
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 ====== ICS Computing Support Announcements:​ Winter Quarter 2017  ====== ====== ICS Computing Support Announcements:​ Winter Quarter 2017  ======
 +===== Storage News @ ICS =====
 +Computing Support would like to bring your attention to a couple of current storage deals.
 +=== ICS Scratch ===
 +ICS Computing Support has over 100TB of disk available on our AMS-2500. ​ That space is being offerered to researchers under the following terms:
 +    * Cost is $73 per Terabyte per year for reserved space.
 +    * Proceeds cover the cost of hardware maintenance.
 +    * Snapshots available
 +    * Tape archival and long term backup not available.
 +    * Cost to be pro-rated for 2017.
 +=== Network Appliance ===
 +Network Appliance is running some great year end deals with costs that work out to be as low as $83 per usable Terabyte per year when you purchase an entire shelf of disks up front for $35,985.14.
 +* Cost is all up front
 +* Purchase covers hardware with a maintenance co termed with existing Netapp equipment.
 +* Snapshots available.
 +* Tape archival and long term backups available.
 +* Subject to hardware maintentance after the initial warranty expires.
 +=== Cost Comparison ===
 +^Product ^Cost per TB per year |
 +|Google Regional Object Storage |$245.76 |
 +|Google Cold Line Object Storage |$86.02|
 +|Network Appliance NFS Disk Shelf |$83 |
 +|Hitachi AMS-2500 NFS Storage |$73 |
 +This chart shows how much you could spend on google object storage (TB/year) alongside the pair of ICS data center offerings.
 +=== Root Access ===
 +This space can be made available for groups that do not otherwise ICS supported services. ​ This means you man run your own Linux desktop and still use this space for network attached storage.
 ===== Virtual Computing Tools @ ICS ===== ===== Virtual Computing Tools @ ICS =====
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 This information,​ as well any updates and changes, is summarized at the following link: This information,​ as well any updates and changes, is summarized at the following link:
 Please contact ICS Compuitng Support Helpdesk with any questions regarding these services. Please contact ICS Compuitng Support Helpdesk with any questions regarding these services.
 +===== ICS Password Management =====
 +ICS Computing Support has updated our ICS Account Password wiki page.  You will find new information about tools to change and reset passwords, campus multi factor authentication and some best practices for managing your password. ​ Please see the following URL:
 +===== Openlab Requires OpenSSH Keys from Off Campus =====
 +This is a reminder that beginning this morning instructional openlab hosts will require OpenSSH keys for clients connecting from off campus. ​ Off campus OpenSSH clients will not longer be allowed to login using a password.
 +For instructions on setting up OpenSSH keys, please visit the following URL:
 +  * [[accounts:​ssh_keys|https://​swiki.ics.uci.edu/​doku.php/​accounts:​ssh_keys]]
announce/winter-2017.1488234174.txt.gz · Last modified: 2017/02/27 14:22 by Hans
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