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announce:winter-2017 [2017/02/27 14:24]
announce:winter-2017 [2017/05/30 09:52] (current)
Hans [Storage News @ ICS]
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 ====== ICS Computing Support Announcements:​ Winter Quarter 2017  ====== ====== ICS Computing Support Announcements:​ Winter Quarter 2017  ======
 +===== Storage News @ ICS =====
 +Computing Support would like to bring your attention to a couple of current storage deals.
 +=== ICS Scratch ===
 +ICS Computing Support has over 100TB of disk available on our AMS-2500. ​ That space is being offerered to researchers under the following terms:
 +    * Cost is $73 per Terabyte per year for reserved space.
 +    * Proceeds cover the cost of hardware maintenance.
 +    * Snapshots available
 +    * Tape archival and long term backup not available.
 +    * Cost to be pro-rated for 2017.
 +=== Network Appliance ===
 +Network Appliance is running some great year end deals with costs that work out to be as low as $83 per usable Terabyte per year when you purchase an entire shelf of disks up front for $35,985.14.
 +* Cost is all up front
 +* Purchase covers hardware with a maintenance co termed with existing Netapp equipment.
 +* Snapshots available.
 +* Tape archival and long term backups available.
 +* Subject to hardware maintentance after the initial warranty expires.
 +=== Cost Comparison ===
 +^Product ^Cost per TB per year |
 +|Google Regional Object Storage |$245.76 |
 +|Google Cold Line Object Storage |$86.02|
 +|Network Appliance NFS Disk Shelf |$83 |
 +|Hitachi AMS-2500 NFS Storage |$73 |
 +This chart shows how much you could spend on google object storage (TB/year) alongside the pair of ICS data center offerings.
 +=== Root Access ===
 +This space can be made available for groups that do not otherwise ICS supported services. ​ This means you man run your own Linux desktop and still use this space for network attached storage.
 ===== Virtual Computing Tools @ ICS ===== ===== Virtual Computing Tools @ ICS =====
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 [[accounts:​password_change_reset|https://​swiki.ics.uci.edu/​doku.php/​accounts:​password_change_reset [[accounts:​password_change_reset|https://​swiki.ics.uci.edu/​doku.php/​accounts:​password_change_reset
 ]] ]]
 +===== Openlab Requires OpenSSH Keys from Off Campus =====
 +This is a reminder that beginning this morning instructional openlab hosts will require OpenSSH keys for clients connecting from off campus. ​ Off campus OpenSSH clients will not longer be allowed to login using a password.
 +For instructions on setting up OpenSSH keys, please visit the following URL:
 +  * [[accounts:​ssh_keys|https://​swiki.ics.uci.edu/​doku.php/​accounts:​ssh_keys]]
announce/winter-2017.1488234278.txt.gz · Last modified: 2017/02/27 14:24 by Hans
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