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announce:winter-2017 [2017/02/28 14:17]
announce:winter-2017 [2017/05/30 09:52] (current)
Hans [Storage News @ ICS]
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 |Hitachi AMS-2500 NFS Storage |$73 | |Hitachi AMS-2500 NFS Storage |$73 |
-This chart shows how much you could spend on google object storage (TB/year) alongside the pair of ICS data center ​offereings.+This chart shows how much you could spend on google object storage (TB/year) alongside the pair of ICS data center ​offerings. 
 +=== Root Access === 
 +This space can be made available for groups that do not otherwise ICS supported services. ​ This means you man run your own Linux desktop and still use this space for network attached storage. 
 ===== Virtual Computing Tools @ ICS ===== ===== Virtual Computing Tools @ ICS =====
announce/winter-2017.1488320268.txt.gz · Last modified: 2017/02/28 14:17 by Hans
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