Table of Contents

Note: Some links in this message will open to the Support Wiki. Please use your ICS credentials when prompted.

Winter Quarter 2021 Announcements

Updated Software

The following packages have been updated in the ICS Software Library for Winter Quarter

Instructional Sudo Usage

The Computing Support group receives a large number of sudoers alerts throughout the quarter. Many of these are regarding software installations. So we would take a a moment to point out a few resources available on ICS managed systems .


Personal Package Instllation

Any user on an ICS managed system is allowed to install Python and Python3 packages into their own home directory using by applying the –user switch to the pip intall command:

  pip install --user package_name
  pip3 install --user package_name

You may list the currently installed pip packages by running `pip list` or `pip3 list`.

Pre-installed Python Modules

There are several versions of both Python and Anaconda software packages available on ICS managed systems.

You can list the avaialble Python and Anaconda packages using the `module list` command:

module list python
module list anaconda3

The respective programs can be added to your environment by using `module load` command:

module load anaconda3/2020.11
module load python

Software Package Installation

Users cannot installed additional RPM or DEB packages on ICS managed systems.

If you are an undergraduate and you would like a software package installed for instruction, please work with your instructor to make a request to helpdesk.

If you are a graduate student and would like a software package installed for your research, please send an email to

Click here for more infromation regarding modules.


Snapshots are located in your ICS home directory under the folder ~/.snapshot. These folders are read-only and cannot be deleted. These folder store backup copies of your home directory for the past 28 days. These folders are not included when calculating your disk quota. Users are not allowed to remove them.

Please see Snapshots for more information regarding snapshots.

Jupyterlab @ ICS and Jupyter Notebooks for Instruction

ICS Computing Support is excited to announce Jupyterub@ICS. The ICS hub turns any web browser into a Linux Terminal AND offers several web-based apps, including a console, Rstudio, XDesktop, and VSCode.

A personalized docker container

Connect to the ICS Jupyterhub Portal

Follow the project here

Last Quarter