====== Labs: Software List and Other Resources ======
All general ICS computing lab workstations are setup and configured with a set of software reviewed annually with ICS faculty. This section lists the software available in the general Windows Computing Labs, as well as links to information on ICS [[hardware:labs_software#Linux Environments|Linux hosts]] and other resources. ***Please note: The versions used of each software will be the stable versions available as of the end of June 2024 for the upcoming 2024-2025 academic year, unless otherwise noted.**
For more details, please contact ICS Computing Support at [[helpdesk@ics.uci.edu?subject=Labs Software|helpdesk@ics.uci.edu]]
===== CS 183, 189, 192, and 364 Windows Computing Labs =====
* Dev-C++ and Glut
* Eclipse IDE
* Emacs
* Intel FPGA Standard Edition (formerly Altera)
* ModelSim
* Quartus
* GSview Ghostview
* GNU Ghostscript
* GNS3
* Go Programming Language
* Google Chrome
* Haskell
* IrfanView
* Java
* JetBrains
* CLion
* PyCharm
* Junit
* MinGW
* Microsoft Office 2019
* Microsoft Visual Studio Community Edition (Microsoft account required)
* MobaXterm
* Mozilla Firefox ESR
* Notepad++
* Putty
* Python
* IDLE (included as part of Python)
* PyDev
* Subclipse
* R
* Racket
* RStudio
* BYOB Scratch (web-based) available via internet browser at: http://snap.berkeley.edu/run
* Scratch (web-based) available via internet browser at: http://scratch.mit.edu
* Steel Bank Common Lisp
* TextPad
* VMware Workstation Pro *[[https://blogs.vmware.com/workstation/2024/05/vmware-workstation-pro-now-available-free-for-personal-use.html|now available for free]]
* Weka
* Wing IDE 101
**//Note: Every academic year, our Windows Support staff review the available software with faculty to make additions, deletions, and other changes as they become necessary.//**
===== Linux Environments =====
Details about the Linux servers and software modules are available in the following pages:
* https://wiki.ics.uci.edu/doku.php/hardware:cluster:openlab
* https://wiki.ics.uci.edu/doku.php/commands:modules
===== OpenLab JupyterHub =====
JupyterHub is an open-source project that allows access to a computational environment and resources within a web browser. Full details are available in the following page:
* https://wiki.ics.uci.edu/doku.php/virtual_environments:jupyterhub
===== OIT Virtual Computer Lab (VCL) =====
The campus Office of Information Technology (OIT) offers an online virtual computer lab service that allows running select software in a Windows environment inside a web browser. **//It is NOT maintained by ICS//**. More information is available in the following page:
* https://www.oit.uci.edu/services/teaching-learning/labs/apporto/