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policies:sudoers [2023/04/17 08:16]
hans [Sudoer Mess BoilerplatesTemplate]
policies:sudoers [2024/07/15 09:26] (current)
hans [Sudoer Mess BoilerplatesTemplate]
Line 151: Line 151:
 Most python and anaconda packages do not require root privilege to install. ​ See the following URL for instructions on installing Python libraries, including how to upgrade pip: Most python and anaconda packages do not require root privilege to install. ​ See the following URL for instructions on installing Python libraries, including how to upgrade pip:
-See [[https://​wiki.ics.uci.edu/​doku.php/​software:​personal_library#​python3]]+See [[https://​wiki.ics.uci.edu/​doku.php/​software:​python]]
Line 157: Line 157:
 The MySQL and PostgreSL servers run on unprivileged ports and it is best practice to run these as a non-root user.  Please see this page for running [[[[services:​database:​mysql:​unprivileged-users|MySQL as an unprivileged user]]. ​ Please request a [[accounts:​gsu|group account]] from helpdesk@ics.uci.edu if your team would like to share ownership of a MySQL server. The MySQL and PostgreSL servers run on unprivileged ports and it is best practice to run these as a non-root user.  Please see this page for running [[[[services:​database:​mysql:​unprivileged-users|MySQL as an unprivileged user]]. ​ Please request a [[accounts:​gsu|group account]] from helpdesk@ics.uci.edu if your team would like to share ownership of a MySQL server.
 +=== NodeJS ===
 +See [[https://​wiki.ics.uci.edu/​doku.php/​software:​nodejs]]
 ==== Compiling Software from Source ==== ==== Compiling Software from Source ====
Line 221: Line 225:
 === General=== === General===
 Our system reported that you ran the sudo command recently. ​ I going to take this opportunity to share this wiki page that describes our sudoers policy, reasoning, and potential alternatives:​ Our system reported that you ran the sudo command recently. ​ I going to take this opportunity to share this wiki page that describes our sudoers policy, reasoning, and potential alternatives:​
Line 226: Line 231:
 This page doesn'​t require you to login but links from this page may require ICS credentials to login. ​ This page doesn'​t require you to login but links from this page may require ICS credentials to login. ​
 === Unnecessary Sudo Invocations === === Unnecessary Sudo Invocations ===
Line 278: Line 283:
   /​pkg/​go/​1.15.6/​bin/​go   /​pkg/​go/​1.15.6/​bin/​go
 +=== Disk Usage ===
 +Hello <​Name>,​
 +We recorded the recent sudo activity on your account on <​DATE>:​
 +The command recorded was "sudo /bin/du -h". Were you trying to get dis usage on the host? Were you just trying to look at your home directory but made a mistake? Please let us know what you were trying to do and maybe I could help.
 +Thank you and have a great day,
 === Shell and service invocations === === Shell and service invocations ===
Line 294: Line 307:
  Please let us know if there is a specific challenge that caused you to use sudo and we can help figure out an alternative way to accomplish the same thing.  Please let us know if there is a specific challenge that caused you to use sudo and we can help figure out an alternative way to accomplish the same thing.
 +===== Troubleshooting =====
 +=== Q.  sudo: error initializing audit plugin sudoers_audit ===
 +**Symptoms:​** Sudo runs fine as root user but produces this error when run as a non-root user.
 +sudo: error initializing audit plugin sudoers_audit
 +**Cause:** User does not exist
policies/sudoers.1681744599.txt.gz · Last modified: 2023/04/17 08:16 by hans
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