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projects:maint-2021 [2021/09/13 09:11]
vipada [Gitlab Upgrade]
projects:maint-2021 [2021/12/07 10:02] (current)
dutran [Servers down for repair]
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 For maintenance that occurred between January - June 2021, please look at the Winter and Spring quarter maintenance pages. For maintenance that occurred between January - June 2021, please look at the Winter and Spring quarter maintenance pages.
 +===== OPENLAB Security Patches and Reboot =====
 +  * Downtime Notice: Openlab Security Patches and Reboot
 +  * Date: December 13th 0900
 +  * Duration: 3 hours
 +===== Servers down for repair =====
 +  * POISON (opengpu.ics.uci.edu) DOWN
 +    * The server poison.ics.uci.edu is down for repairs. ​ We are attempting to determine the cause of random reboots of the server.
 +    * The initial memory test has not revealed the cause and further tests are continuing.
 +    * There is no ETA on when the server will be back up.
 +===== December =====
 +==== Jupyterhub@ICS Software Upgrade ====
 +  * Downtime Notice: ​ **Conducting https://​hub.ics.uci.edu update**
 +  * Date:  Tuesday, December 14
 +  * Duration: 0600-0800
 +The software running [[virtual_environments:​jupyterhub|Jupyterhub @ ICS]] will be updated during this time.   
 +  * **ALL RUNNING Hub Containers** will be stopped.  ​
 +  * All users will need to start new hub containers and any changes made to the running pods will need to be reapplied.
 +If this scheduling creates a hardship for you or your research, please send mail to helpdesk@ics.uci.edu to reschedule.
 +This scheduling is an estimate. The process may take more or less time depending on how much information needs to be moved.
 +===== October =====
 +==== /​extra/​stair0 and Extra Directory Relocation ====
 +Downtime Notice: /​extra/​stair0
 +Date:  Monday, October 11
 +Duration: 0600 - 1000
 +The /​extra/​stair0 directory will be relocated to another partition on the ICS file server on October 11th, between 0600 and 1000. During this period we ask that you refrain from accessing the /​extra/​stair0 directory.
 +During this period:
 +  * The /extra directory may not be available when logging in to ICS Linux hosts.
 +  * The /extra directory may not be available as a network drive on Windows hosts (via samba).
 +  * Running processes will hang and may crash altogether.
 +For most users, no action is required on your part and services will resume automatically once the home directory has been moved.
 +If you cannot access your /extra directory following the move, please send email to helpdesk@ics.uci.edu.
 +If this scheduling creates a hardship for you or your research, please send mail to helpdesk@ics.uci.edu to reschedule.
 +This scheduling is an estimate. The process may take more or less time depending on how much information needs to be moved.
 +==== vol9 Home and Extra Directory Relocation ====
 +  * Downtime Notice: vol9 /​extra ​ Directory Relocation
 +  * Date: Wednesday, Monday October 4th
 +  * Duration: 0600 - 0800
 +The following /extra directories will be relocated to another partition on the ICS file server on October 4th, between 0600 and 0800. You may receive an email message indicating that either your /extra directory or the /extra directory of an account that you manage will be moved at this time.   ​During this period we ask that you refrain from accessing the /extra directory for this account.
 +The following /extra dirs will be moved:
 +  * /​extra/​stair0
 +  * /​extra/​graffc1
 +  * /​extra/​smyth0
 +  * /​extra/​pputzel0
 +  * /​extra/​yiboyang0
 +  * /​extra/​aodongl10
 +  * /extra/bdl0
 +  * /​extra/​ruihay10
 +  * /​extra/​communications_scratch0
 +During this period:
 +  * The /extra directory may not be available when logging in to ICS Linux hosts.
 +  * The /extra directory may not be available as a network drive on Windows hosts (via samba).
 +  * Running processes will hang and may crash altogether.
 +For most users, no action is required on your part and services will resume automatically once the home directory has been moved. ​
 +If you cannot access your /extra directory following the move, please send email to helpdesk@ics.uci.edu.
 +If this scheduling creates a hardship for you or your research, please send mail to helpdesk@ics.uci.edu to reschedule.
 +This scheduling is an estimate. ​ The process may take more or less time depending on how much information needs to be moved.
 +==== SGE Downtime and /auto/sge Spool Relocation ​ ====
 +  * Downtime Notice: SGE Downtime and /auto/sge Spool Relocation
 +  * Date: Monday, October 4th
 +  * Duration: 0600 - 1000
 +Spool directories for the [[services:​sun_grid_engine:​sge_getting_started|SGE Cluster]] will be moved to another file server on Monday, October 4th beginning at 0600.  During this time, the SGE queues will not be accepting new jobs and running jobs may be terminated.
 +Users are encouraged to switch to [[services:​slurm|SLURM@ICS]] for job scheduling and distributed computing. ​ The SGE cluster has been deprecated and will not be available on future releases of Linux. ​ Contact heldpesk@ics.uci.edu if you would like help converting your SGE scripts for SLURM.
 +If the SGE queues are unavailable following this downtime, please send email to helpdesk@ics.uci.edu.
 ===== September ===== ===== September =====
-==== Gitlab Upgrade ==== 
-  * Downtime Notice: Upgrade Gitlab Server +==== vol4 Home and Extra Directory Relocation ====
-  * Date: Thursday, September 16, 2021 +
-  * Duration: 0800 to 12:00 +
-  * IMPACT: The site gitlab.ics.uci.edu will not be available during upgrade window. Repositories will not be available to push/pull from. This will not impact gitlab setup for individual classes.+
-  * RT#80322+  * Downtime Notice: vol4 Home and Extra Directory Relocation 
 +  * Date: Wednesday, September 22th 
 +  * Duration: 0600 - 0800
 +Home directories for the following groups ​ will be relocated to another partition on the ICS file server on September 20th, between 0600 and 0800. You may receive an email message indicating that either your home directory or the home directory of an account that you manage will be moved at this time.   ​During this period we ask that you refrain from accessing the home directory for this account.
-==== vol3 Home Directory Relocation ====+The following groups of accounts will be moved during this period.
-Downtime Notice: ​vol2 Home Directory Relocation +  * ICS sponsored shared home and extra directories 
-Date: Monday, September 20th +  * AI-Math-Sci resarch home and extra directories 
-Duration: 0600 - 0800+  * Biodatascience resarch home and extra directories 
 +  * CBCL resarch home and extra directories 
 +  * Chenli sponsored ​ home and extra directories 
 +  * Communications sponsored home and extra directories 
 +  * EMA sponsore ​ home and extra directories 
 +  * ICS sponsored guests home and extra directories 
 +  * Hanalab research home and extra directories 
 +  * Lopes sponsored research home and extra directories 
 +  * REACT research group home and extra directories 
 +  * Statistics guest and staff home and extra directories 
 +  * Statistics Staff research home and extra directories 
 +During this period: 
 +  * The home directory may not be available when logging in to ICS Linux hosts. 
 +  * The home directory may not be available as a network drive on Windows hosts (via samba). 
 +  * Web pages served from the account may not be available. 
 +  * Running processes will hang and may crash altogether. 
 +For most users, no action is required on your part and services will resume automatically once the home directory has been moved.  
 +Windows users that are currently mapping through cybertron.ics.uci.edu (e.g. \\cybertron.ics.uci.edu\teamware) must update their mapped networked drives to use samba.ics.uci.edu:​ 
 +Most users do not need to make this change. ​ For those that do, please see the following URL for additional information on mapping network drives @ ICS: 
 +If you cannot access your home directory following the move, please send email to helpdesk@ics.uci.edu. 
 +If this scheduling creates a hardship for you or your research, please send mail to helpdesk@ics.uci.edu to reschedule. 
 +This scheduling is an estimate. ​ The process may take more or less time depending on how much information needs to be moved. 
 +==== vol3 Home and Extra Directory Relocation ==== 
 +  * Downtime Notice: ​vol3 Home and Extra Directory Relocation 
 +  ​* ​Date: Monday, September 20th 
 +  ​* ​Duration: 0600 - 0800
 Home directories for the following groups ​ will be relocated to another partition on the ICS file server on September 20th, between 0600 and 0800. You may receive an email message indicating that either your home directory or the home directory of an account that you manage will be moved at this time.   ​During this period we ask that you refrain from accessing the home directory for this account. Home directories for the following groups ​ will be relocated to another partition on the ICS file server on September 20th, between 0600 and 0800. You may receive an email message indicating that either your home directory or the home directory of an account that you manage will be moved at this time.   ​During this period we ask that you refrain from accessing the home directory for this account.
Line 59: Line 202:
 This scheduling is an estimate. ​ The process may take more or less time depending on how much information needs to be moved. This scheduling is an estimate. ​ The process may take more or less time depending on how much information needs to be moved.
-==== vol2 Home Directory Relocation ==== 
-Downtime Notice: ​vol2 Home Directory ​Relocation +==== Gitlab Upgrade ==== 
-Date: Monday, September ​17th + 
-Duration: ​0600 0800+  * Downtime Notice: ​Upgrade Gitlab Server 
 +  * Date: Thursday, September 16, 2021 
 +  * Duration: 8:00 to 12:00 
 +  * IMPACT: The site gitlab.ics.uci.edu will not be available during upgrade window. Repositories will not be available to push/pull from. This will not impact gitlab setup for individual classes. 
 +  * RT#80322 
 +==== Gitlab Instructional Repository ​Relocation ​==== 
 +  * Date: Thursday, September ​16, 2021 
 +  ​* ​Duration: ​8:00 to 10:00 
 +  * IMPACT: The instructional gitlab websites will not be available during the window. Repositories will not be available to push/pull from. 
 +The location of the gitlab repository for the following sites will be moved to the new file server, tardigrade. 
 +  * gitlab-cs142a-s21 
 +  * gitlab-cs142a-w21 
 +  * gitlab-cs142a-s20 
 +==== vol2 Home Directory Relocation ====
 +  * Downtime Notice: vol2 Home Directory Relocation
 +  * Date: Friday, September 17th
 +  * Duration: 0600 - 0800
 +  * 
 Home directories for the following groups ​ will be relocated to another partition on the ICS file server on September 17th, between 0600 and 0800. You may receive an email message indicating that either your home directory or the home directory of an account that you manage will be moved at this time.   ​During this period we ask that you refrain from accessing the home directory for this account. Home directories for the following groups ​ will be relocated to another partition on the ICS file server on September 17th, between 0600 and 0800. You may receive an email message indicating that either your home directory or the home directory of an account that you manage will be moved at this time.   ​During this period we ask that you refrain from accessing the home directory for this account.
projects/maint-2021.1631549498.txt.gz · Last modified: 2021/09/13 09:11 by vipada
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