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projects:maint-2021 [2021/11/22 10:33]
Hans [/extra/stair0 and Extra Directory Relocation]
projects:maint-2021 [2021/12/07 10:02] (current)
dutran [Servers down for repair]
Line 5: Line 5:
 For maintenance that occurred between January - June 2021, please look at the Winter and Spring quarter maintenance pages. For maintenance that occurred between January - June 2021, please look at the Winter and Spring quarter maintenance pages.
-===== October ​=====+===== OPENLAB Security Patches and Reboot ​=====
 +  * Downtime Notice: Openlab Security Patches and Reboot
 +  * Date: December 13th 0900
 +  * Duration: 3 hours
-==== https://​hub.ics.uci.edu update ​====+===== Servers down for repair =====
-Downtime Notice:  ​**Conducting https://hub.ics.uci.edu ​update** +  ​POISON (opengpu.ics.uci.edu) DOWN 
-Date:  Tuesday, December 14 +    * The server poison.ics.uci.edu is down for repairs. ​ We are attempting to determine the cause of random reboots of the server. 
-Duration: 0600-0800+    * The initial memory test has not revealed the cause and further tests are continuing. 
 +    * There is no ETA on when the server will be back up.
-The software running [[virtual_environments:​jupyterhub|Jupyterhub @ ICS]] will be updated during this time.   **ALL RUNNING Hub Containers** will be stopped. ​ All users will need to start new hub containers and any changes made to the running pods will need to be reapplied..+===== December ===== 
 +==== Jupyterhub@ICS Software Upgrade ==== 
 +  * Downtime Notice: ​ **Conducting https://​hub.ics.uci.edu update** 
 +  * Date:  Tuesday, December 14 
 +  * Duration: 0600-0800 
 +The software running [[virtual_environments:​jupyterhub|Jupyterhub @ ICS]] will be updated during this time.    
 +  * **ALL RUNNING Hub Containers** will be stopped.  ​ 
 +  * All users will need to start new hub containers and any changes made to the running pods will need to be reapplied.
 If this scheduling creates a hardship for you or your research, please send mail to helpdesk@ics.uci.edu to reschedule. If this scheduling creates a hardship for you or your research, please send mail to helpdesk@ics.uci.edu to reschedule.
 This scheduling is an estimate. The process may take more or less time depending on how much information needs to be moved. This scheduling is an estimate. The process may take more or less time depending on how much information needs to be moved.
 +===== October =====
 ==== /​extra/​stair0 and Extra Directory Relocation ==== ==== /​extra/​stair0 and Extra Directory Relocation ====
projects/maint-2021.1637606036.txt.gz · Last modified: 2021/11/22 10:33 by Hans
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