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projects:maint-2021 [2021/11/22 10:40]
projects:maint-2021 [2021/12/07 10:02] (current)
dutran [Servers down for repair]
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 For maintenance that occurred between January - June 2021, please look at the Winter and Spring quarter maintenance pages. For maintenance that occurred between January - June 2021, please look at the Winter and Spring quarter maintenance pages.
 +===== OPENLAB Security Patches and Reboot =====
 +  * Downtime Notice: Openlab Security Patches and Reboot
 +  * Date: December 13th 0900
 +  * Duration: 3 hours
 +===== Servers down for repair =====
 +  * POISON (opengpu.ics.uci.edu) DOWN
 +    * The server poison.ics.uci.edu is down for repairs. ​ We are attempting to determine the cause of random reboots of the server.
 +    * The initial memory test has not revealed the cause and further tests are continuing.
 +    * There is no ETA on when the server will be back up.
 ===== December ===== ===== December =====
projects/maint-2021.1637606455.txt.gz ยท Last modified: 2021/11/22 10:40 by Hans
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