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projects:maint-2022 [2022/06/23 10:26]
projects:maint-2022 [2022/11/29 09:25] (current)
vipada [Winter Break 2022 Data Center Upgrades (Dec 9th - )]
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 ====== 2022 Maintenance Schedule ====== ====== 2022 Maintenance Schedule ======
 +==== Winter Break 2022 Data Center Upgrades (Dec 9th - )====
 +=== Aleph Rack Relocation (Dec 14th) ===
 +The rack containing the Aleph cluster will be replaced with a deep GPU rack and moved to the seismic pads.
 +=== Gitlab Upgrade (Dec 12th ) ===
 +Gitlab servers will be down briefly in order to upgrade the latest update. This will include the main ICS gitlab server and ones set up for individual classes.
 +=== Openlab Upgrade ===
 +Openlab Downtime to be schedule in order to apply latest kernel and security packages.
 +=== Kubernetes Updates ===
 +=== Reinstall nebula-4 & nebula-6 ===
 +Replace hard drives and reinstall hosts.
 +==== September 20th ICS MySQL Server and all Dependent Services ====
 +  * Downtime Notice: ​   ICS MySQL Server and all Dependent Services
 +  * Date:  September 20th
 +  * Duration: ​ 2100-2200
 +The ICS Mysql Source MySQL server will be in read-only maintenance mode for a period of time on Tuesday evening beginning at 2100(9pm) on September 20th. in order to make a complete copy and reinitialize the MySQL replication server. ​ During this time ICS services dependent on the main ICS MySQL respond slower than usual or may not respond at all.  The replication runs regular backups of the ICS MySQL database and runs as a hot spare in case something catastrophic happens to the source MySQL server.
 ==== June 27, 2022 - Soft2 Hardware Replacement ==== ==== June 27, 2022 - Soft2 Hardware Replacement ====
projects/maint-2022.1656005196.txt.gz ยท Last modified: 2022/06/23 10:26 by vipada
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