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projects:maint-2022 [2022/11/22 09:41]
hans [Winter Break 2022 Data Center Upgrades (Dec 9th)]
projects:maint-2022 [2022/11/29 09:25] (current)
vipada [Winter Break 2022 Data Center Upgrades (Dec 9th - )]
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 The rack containing the Aleph cluster will be replaced with a deep GPU rack and moved to the seismic pads. The rack containing the Aleph cluster will be replaced with a deep GPU rack and moved to the seismic pads.
-=== Gitlab Upgrade ===+=== Gitlab Upgrade ​(Dec 12th ) ===
-Gitlab will be down briefly in order to upgrade the latest ​version+Gitlab ​servers ​will be down briefly in order to upgrade the latest ​update. This will include the main ICS gitlab server and ones set up for individual classes.
 === Openlab Upgrade === === Openlab Upgrade ===
Line 18: Line 18:
 Pending. Pending.
 +=== Reinstall nebula-4 & nebula-6 ===
 +Replace hard drives and reinstall hosts.
projects/maint-2022.1669138903.txt.gz ยท Last modified: 2022/11/22 09:41 by hans
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