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2022 Maintenance Schedule

Gitlab Update

June 2022

  • Downtime Notice:
  • Date: TBD
  • Duration: 0800-1200

March 2022, RT#82999

  • Downtime Notice:
  • Date: Wednesday, March 16, 2022
  • Duration: 0800-1200

The main Gitlab server will be upgraded from 13.12.2 to 14.7.5. The instructional gitlab (ie. gitlab-cs142a*) will not be affected.

2DSC Electrical Panel Shutdown

Phase 2 of the electrical panel and transformer project for the ICS Datacenter will take beginning on Tuesday, February 8. Any servers powered off that panel will be shifted to new power prior to this date. 2DSC breakers will be turned off on Thursday, February 3rd. (second try)

Downtime Notice: Date: Thursday, January 13 Duration: 2100-2200

The version of RequestTracker running on will be updated from 4.4.1 to 5.0.2.

During this time, mail sent to may not reach Helpdesk but messages will be put into another queue and forwarded into Helpdesk following the upgrade.

If this scheduling creates a hardship for you or your research, please send mail to to reschedule.

This scheduling is an estimate. The process may take more or less time depending on how much information needs to be moved.

Downtime Notice: Date: Wednesday, January 12 Duration: 2200-2300

The version of RequestTracker running on will be updated from 4.4.1 to 5.0.2.

During this time, mail sent to may not reach Helpdesk but messages will be put into another queue and forwarded into Helpdesk following the upgrade.

If this scheduling creates a hardship for you or your research, please send mail to to reschedule.

This scheduling is an estimate. The process may take more or less time depending on how much information needs to be moved.

projects/maint-2022.1647457010.txt.gz · Last modified: 2022/03/16 11:56 by vipada
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