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projects:maint-2024 [2024/04/16 15:03]
projects:maint-2024 [2024/09/11 11:45] (current)
dutran [Nexus Core switch firmware update]
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 ====== 2024 ICS Maintenance Schedule ====== ====== 2024 ICS Maintenance Schedule ======
-===== April =====+ 
 +==== Nexus Core switch (3 of 3) firmware update ​==== 
 +  * Date: Monday 9/16 at 7:30am 
 +  * Duration: 30 minutes (could be longer) 
 +  * Affects:  
 +    * SSH Sessions on addison-v4 (staff/​faculty ssh server) 
 +    * DUO authentication for ICS Gmail 
 +    * Samba connections 
 +    * SLURM job submissions 
 +==== Nexus Core switch (2 of 3) firmware update ==== 
 +  * Date: Monday 9/9 at 7:30am 
 +  * Duration: 30 minutes (could be longer) 
 +  * Affects:  
 +    * MySQL servers  
 +    * WordPress sites 
 +    * Slurm job submissions 
 +    * ICS Helpdesk 
 +    * Gitlab 
 +==== Nexus Core switch (1 of 3) firmware update ==== 
 +  * Date: 8/26 at 7:30am 
 +  * Duration: 30 minutes (could be longer) 
 +  * Affects:  
 +    * SSH Sessions on rockford-v1 (staff/​faculty ssh server) 
 +    * Connection to ICS VPN 
 +    * Slurm job submissions 
 +    * ICS Helpdesk 
 +==== Nexus Core switch configuration change ==== 
 +  * Date: 6/24 at 8am 
 +  * Duration: 1 hour 
 +  * Affects: If the configuration change goes as expected, no one will be affected. ​ However, if it doesn'​t,​ the network could be down for the datacenter until the change can be reverted. 
 +==== Kubernetes and Openlab Jupyterhub ==== 
 +  * Date:  6/17-6/21 
 +  * Duration: ​ Up to one week 
 +  * Affects: ​ Sites running on Kubernetes will be intermittently unavailable while the bare metals systems are rebooted and patched, the versions of Kubernetes are upgraded, and the helm charts running on the Kubernetes cluster are updated to the latest versions.  
 +  * Affected Sites 
 +    * rancher-bode-green.ics.uci.edu  
 +    * ics46-hub.ics.uci.edu ​  
 +    * ics46-staging-hub.ics.uci.edu  
 +    * itam.ics.uci.edu 
 +    * hub.ics.uci.edu 
 +    * password.ics.uci.edu 
 +    * speedtest.ics.uci.edu 
 +    * pastebin.ics.uci.edu 
 +    * pgadmin.ics.uci.edu 
 +    * staging-hub.ics.uci.edu 
 +====  Openlab Linux Cluster .  ==== 
 +  * Date:  6/17-6/18 
 +  * Duration: ​ Nodes will be intermittently unavailable during this period. 
 +  * Affects: All nodes in the Openlab Linux cluster will receive the latest security and kernel patches. 
 ==== Veronica-Mars Downtime Notice ==== ==== Veronica-Mars Downtime Notice ====
projects/maint-2024.1713305024.txt.gz · Last modified: 2024/04/16 15:03 by hans
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