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projects:maint-2024 [2024/06/12 15:45]
projects:maint-2024 [2024/09/11 11:45] (current)
dutran [Nexus Core switch firmware update]
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 ====== 2024 ICS Maintenance Schedule ====== ====== 2024 ICS Maintenance Schedule ======
 +==== Nexus Core switch (3 of 3) firmware update ====
 +  * Date: Monday 9/16 at 7:30am
 +  * Duration: 30 minutes (could be longer)
 +  * Affects: ​
 +    * SSH Sessions on addison-v4 (staff/​faculty ssh server)
 +    * DUO authentication for ICS Gmail
 +    * Samba connections
 +    * SLURM job submissions
 +==== Nexus Core switch (2 of 3) firmware update ====
 +  * Date: Monday 9/9 at 7:30am
 +  * Duration: 30 minutes (could be longer)
 +  * Affects: ​
 +    * MySQL servers ​
 +    * WordPress sites
 +    * Slurm job submissions
 +    * ICS Helpdesk
 +    * Gitlab
 +==== Nexus Core switch (1 of 3) firmware update ====
 +  * Date: 8/26 at 7:30am
 +  * Duration: 30 minutes (could be longer)
 +  * Affects: ​
 +    * SSH Sessions on rockford-v1 (staff/​faculty ssh server)
 +    * Connection to ICS VPN
 +    * Slurm job submissions
 +    * ICS Helpdesk
 ==== Nexus Core switch configuration change ==== ==== Nexus Core switch configuration change ====
-  * Date: 6/24+  * Date: 6/24 at 8am
   * Duration: 1 hour   * Duration: 1 hour
   * Affects: If the configuration change goes as expected, no one will be affected. ​ However, if it doesn'​t,​ the network could be down for the datacenter until the change can be reverted.   * Affects: If the configuration change goes as expected, no one will be affected. ​ However, if it doesn'​t,​ the network could be down for the datacenter until the change can be reverted.
projects/maint-2024.1718232337.txt.gz ยท Last modified: 2024/06/12 15:45 by dutran
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