====== ICS Maintenance March 28, 2017 ====== # Puppet Updates # SGE Scheduler Reconfiguration # 62504: Kraken life cycle Update # Ugrad and Grad student gidNumber Realignment # Quota reassessment ===== Puppet Updates ===== ICS hosts are provisioned and configured using [[https://puppet.com/|Puppet]]. During this maintenance period we will be moving the following list of hosts to our newer Puppet3 server. There may be some downtime associated with this process. The following list is subject to downtime throughout the day as they are converted from puppet2 to p uppet3: ^Hostname ^Purpose | | adrian-monk-v0.ics.uci.edu | Authentication Server | | addison-v6.ics.uci.edu | Authenticatoin Server | | colin-baker-v2.ics.uci.edu | Boot Server | | columbo-v3.ics.uci.edu | Checkmate Web Server | | pedigree cluster| Cycle Service | | arcus cluster | Research Cluster | | cacofonix cluster | Research Cluster | | nebula cluster | Research Server | | addison-v4.ics.uci.edu | Database Server | | hawk-v3.ics.uci.edu | DNS Server | | spenser-v1.ics.uci.edu | DNS Server | | columbo-v4.ics.uci.edu | Faculty and Staff Cycle Server | | rockford-v1.ics.uci.edu | Faculty and Staff Cycle Server | | addison-v5.ics.uci.edu | Gitlab Server | | rockford-v3.ics.uci.edu | High Availability Load Balancer | | columbo-v0.ics.uci.edu | IMAP Server | | tristram.ics.uci.edu | Instruction VM Server | | rockford-v8.ics.uci.edu | ldap4 | | hawk-v1.ics.uci.edu | LDAP Server | | hawk-v4.ics.uci.edu | License Server | | columbo-v10.ics.uci.edu* | Mail Server| | addison-v0.ics.uci.edu | Mail Server | | addison-v3.ics.uci.edu | Mail Server | | colin-baker-v1.ics.uci.edu | Mail Server | | columbo-v5.ics.uci.edu | Mail Server | | rockford-v4.ics.uci.edu | Mail Server | | steele-v2.ics.uci.edu | Monitoring Server| | columbo-v9.ics.uci.edu | MySQL Server| | rockford-v6.ics.uci.edu | MySQL Server | | kiss.ics.uci.edu | Openlab GPU Server | | motorhead.ics.uci.edu | Openlab GPU Server | | paul-mcgann-v1.ics.uci.edu | paul-v1 | | columbo-v2.ics.uci.edu | Print Server| | neuromancer.ics.uci.edu | Resarch Server| | wintermute.ics.uci.edu | Resarch Server | | hermod.ics.uci.edu | Research Cycle Server | | nimbus.ics.uci.edu | Research Cycle Server | | borealis.ics.uci.edu | Research Server | ichasc.ics.uci.edu | Research Server | benedictus.ics.uci.edu | Research Server | | blazar.ics.uci.edu | Research Server | | csc64-1.ics.uci.edu | Research Server | | drg.ics.uci.edu | Research Server | | hypernova.ics.uci.edu | Research Server | | invictus.ics.uci.edu | Research Server | | kingoftown.ics.uci.edu | Research Server | | loquat.ics.uci.edu | Research Server | | paso.ics.uci.edu | Research Server | | scivi.ics.uci.edu | Research Server | | sepbic.ics.uci.edu | Research Server | | velox.ics.uci.edu | Research Server | | tahiti.ics.uci.edu | Research Sever | | xander.ics.uci.edu | Reserch Server | | addison-v7.ics.uci.edu | SGE Server | | rockford-v7.ics.uci.edu | SGE Server | | columbo-v11.ics.uci.edu | sm2 | | columbo-v8.ics.uci.edu | Time Server | | spenser-v3.ics.uci.edu | Time Server | | paul-mcgann-v3.ics.uci.edu | tsm-admincenter | | paul-mcgann-v2.ics.uci.edu | Web Server| | tom-baker-v1.ics.uci.edu | Web Server| | tom-baker-v3.ics.uci.edu | Web Server| | paul-mcgann-v0.ics.uci.edu | Web Server | | sylvester-mccoy-v0.ics.uci.edu | Web Server | | sylvester-mccoy-v1.ics.uci.edu | Web Server | | sylvester-mccoy-v2.ics.uci.edu | Web Server | | sylvester-mccoy-v3.ics.uci.edu | Web Server | | tom-baker-v2.ics.uci.edu | Web Server | | tom-baker-v0.ics.uci.edu | Web Srever | \\ ===== SGE Schedule Configuration (63144 SGE Set job_load_adjustments) ===== We will be modifying the [[https://swiki.ics.uci.edu/doku.php/group:support:software:sge|SGE]] configuration to favor distributed job scheduling across all nodes in a cluster. This is a significant change to the way that jobs are distributed to the SGE clusters. At present, jobs are rapidly assigned to a node based on load. This results in some nodes becoming full and some nodes sitting idle. We hope the new configuration will encourage a more balanced scheduling of jobs across the entire cluster. ===== 62504: Kraken Lifecycle Update ===== *** Downtime Notice *** SYSTEM: kraken.ics.uci.edu DATE: 3/28/2016 START TIME: 1000 DURATION: 2 hours (Please note this is an estimate; systems may be up sooner or later than expected, due to unforeseeable circumstances.) AFFECTS: NFS service will be unavailable during this period. REASON: Applying the latest firmware. ===== Ugrad and Grad student gidNumber Reallignment (ticket #62245) ===== The gid numbers for the //ugrad// and //grad// will be changed from 110 and 102 to 1001 and 1002, respectivevly. File group ownership will be adjusted to reflect these changes. This task may take several days to complete. ===== Openlab CentOS 7 Upgrade ===== #63147: Centos7 Install Remaining Instructional Hosts The following hosts will be upgraded to CentOS7: acdc.ics.uci.edu kiss.ics.uci.edu motorhead.ics.uci.edu tristram.ics.uci.edu All Openlab hosts will receive the lastest patches and be rebooted.