In order to accomodate a 12 hour facilities shutdown on June 19, 2006, ICS Computing Support will begin shutting down non-critical ICS infrastructure in the ICS Datacenter at 5pm on June 17, 2016 and performing general maintenance throughout the day on June 18th, 2016.
Facilities High Voltage Team has been performing preventative maintenance on many of the campus building transformers, switchgear, and breakers. While performing maintenance we have been able to identify and repair many equipment deficiencies and reduce the possibility of electrical failures and outages.
Facilities High Voltage Team has scheduled preventative maintenance on Computer Science T-18 & T-19 transformers and switchgear for Sunday, June 19th, 2016, from 5:00am-5:00pm
In order to perform this maintenance it will require a 12-hour electrical shutdown to the entire building. The only power will be emergency power.
ICS will be taking this opportunity to perform maintenance on multiple systems that would individually cause significant disruption for users.
Effects on Critical infrastructure will be not be affected bavailable during this period. That infrastructure includes:
Plan on brief outages on several ICS systems during the day. A more specific schedule will be provided later. These items are required to implement network redundancy inside the data center and perform maintenance on systems:
Copy file Update /etc/auto.gitlab
Begging on Monday morning, June 10th, we will be running updates on all CentOS and Ubnunt Linux clients. Beginning at 9pm, systems that have been updated will be shutdown.
The following NFS servers will be unavailable beginning at 9pm on Friday the 17th.
Date Time | Description |
6/13 All Day | Begin performing yum update on all non-infrastructure CentOS5 hosts |
6/14 All Day | Begin performing yum update on all non-infrastructure CentOS6 hosts |
6/15 All Day | Begin performing yum update on all non-infrastructure CentOS7 hosts |
6/16 All Day | Begin performing apt-get update on all Ubuntu 14.04 hosts |
6/18 Midnight | Undergraduate Home Directory Move |
6/18 8am | Disable all Nagios Monitoring Alerts |
6/18 8am | ICS 10Gb/s Network Upgrade |
6/18 8am | Baldig Group ome and Extra Directory Moves (/extra/baldig1, /extra/dock1, /extra/dock2, cerk) |
6/18 9am | SGEsge Shutdown and SGE Spool migration to Cybertron |
6/18 9:15am | Gitlab shutdown and directory migration |
6/17 9:30am | Move ICS Shared to Cybertron |
6/18 10am | (36 hours) Begin Rolling restart of critical infrastructure hosts |
6/18 10am | ICS MySQL Server Maintenance |
6/18 10:30am | Update Cybertron LDAP Configuration |
6/18 11am | Upgrade bunker to CentOS7 operating system with ZFS on Linux |
6/18 10pm | Shutdown non-critical hosts and infrastructure in the ICS DC |
6/18 2pm | IGB 10Gb/s Uplink Activation |
6/19 5am | We anticipate loss of commercial power and cooling to the data center |
6/19 5pm | We anticipate that power will be restored to the ICS DC. Some hosts will power on |
6/19 10pm | Power on hosts in the datacenter |
6/19 10pm | #59377: Fwd: Power on hosts for BIC |
6/20 8am | Restore Nagios notifications. Check Observium and Ganglia Reports |
6/20 9am | Rebuild SGE Queues |