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projects:maint-9-21-2016 [2016/07/29 16:53]
Hans [Scheduled Preparation Week of 6/13]
projects:maint-9-21-2016 [2016/09/16 13:10] (current)
vipada [Libya UPS Manual Reconditioning in critical rack A05. (RT Ticket #59847)]
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 ====== ICS Maintenance September 21, 2016 ====== ====== ICS Maintenance September 21, 2016 ======
-We will be making multiple potentially disruptive changes to ICS systems on this day.  +We will be making multiple potentially disruptive changes to ICS systems on this day.
-===== Planned Maintenance ​=====+===== Overview ​=====
-Summary+    * **Impacting**:​ SPF Email Implementation,​ see below. (RT Ticket #59623) 
 +    * **Impacting**:​ Openlab CentOS7 Update and new SGE queue (RT Tickets #60192 and #60193) 
 +    * **Impacting**:​ Network Switch Upgrade. (RT Ticket #59949) 
 +    * **Impacting**:​ Libya UPS Manual Reconditioning in critical rack A05. (RT Ticket #59847)  
 +    * **Impacting**: ​ Perform OS Updates and Reboot IGB Computing (RT Ticket #60195) 
 +    * Operating System Patches for all hosts begins 9/18.  (RT Tickets #60191) 
 +    * ICS Mailman List will no longer automatically respond to new subscribers. (RT Ticket #60110) 
 +    * Move Bren Hall Screen Content to Tier 1 File Server (RT Ticket #59959) 
 +    * Software Updates and module default load (RT Ticket #60194) 
 +    * Samba4 Deployment 
 +    * Virtual Box Upgrade
-    * Operating System Patches +===== SPF Implementation =====
-    * Virtual Box Update +
-    * SPF Email Implimentation +
-   +
-===== Scheduled Preparation Week of 6/13 =====+After this change, email that does not originate on a mail server that is identified in the ICS SPF record may be rejected or tagged as spam at the destination. ​ See [[:​services:​email-settings|email settings]] for more important information about how this affects uesrs at ICS.
-|Date Time |Description | +===== Openlab CentOS7 Update, Patch and SGE Complex Assignments =====
-|9/18 |Begin performing yum update on all non-infrastructure CentOS hosts | +
-|9/21 |Release Virtual Box and Docker Update via Puppet | +
-|9/21 |Default Version update for Java, R, Mathematica,​ SAS, Matlab| +
-|9/21 |Openlab ​Upgrade to CentOS7 ​+
-|9/21 |Openlab reboot | +
-|9/21 |SPF Implementation (RT Ticket #59623)| +
-|9/21 |Cisco Nexus Firmware ​Update+
-|9/21 |Libya UPS Manual Reconditioning. (RT Ticket #​59847). ​ Possible downttime for hosts in Rack A05.|+
 +  * Openlab hosts running CentOS6 will be reinstalled with the latest version of CentOS7 and rebooted.
 +  * The 15day.q and 12hour.q queues will be disabled.
 +  * A new [[:​services:​sun_grid_engine:​tips_and_tricks|SGE]] queue of openlab hosts running CentOS7 is available now as "​[[:​services:​sun_grid_engine:​queues|openlab.q]]"​.
 +  * The exclusive, h_vmem and s_vmem complexes will be assigned on all hosts in the openlab.q. ​ This will allow users to specify queues with exclusivity or high memory requirements. ​   [[services:​sun_grid_engine:​tips_and_tricks|Sun Grid Engine]]
 +  * You may test out the Openlab CentOS7 environment today by logging into openlab7.ics.uci.edu or submitting SGE jobs to the openlab.q queue.
-\\+===== Network Switch Upgrade =====
-===== Operating System Patches =====+In order to facilitate the retirement of the existing border switch, existing network switches that link to it will have their up link ports moved. ​ This move will cause temporary network outages to the servers throughout the day.
-Lates patches will be applied to all CentOS5, CentOS6 and CentOS7 hosts +===== Libya UPS Manual Reconditioning in critical rack A05(RT Ticket #​59847) ​  =====
-===== Virtual Box Update =====+The UPS in critical rack A05 will be reconditioned. ​ This process will take about an hour during which time servers in this rack that do not have dual power supplies will be unavailable.
-All ICS systems with Virtual Box currently installed will be updated to the latest available. ​ **Any running Virtual Box instances ​will be shutdown.**+ ​* ​The sites students.ics.uci.edu and faculty.ics.uci.edu ​will be offline. 
 +===== Perform OS Updates and Reboot IGB Computing (RT Ticket #60195) ======
-===== ICS Software Library Default Version Updates =====+OS patches will be applied to all IGB CentOS 5, CentOS 6, CentOS 7 and Ubuntu servers throughout the day.  After patches are applied the computers will be rebooted.
-We've installed new versions of some core packages in /pkg.  Beginnin on 9/21, the module loads of the following packages ​ (e.g. module load java) will load the most recent version in the package by default:+===== Operating System Patches =====
-  * Java +Latest patches will be applied to all CentOS5, CentOS6 and CentOS7 hosts. ​ Hosts will not be rebooted unless otherwise noted above.
-  * R +
-  * Mathematica (Software is available from Support).+
 +===== Virtual Box Update =====
 +All ICS systems with Virtual Box currently installed will be updated to the latest available. ​ **Any running Virtual Box instances will be shutdown.**
 ===== Openlab Upgrade to CentOS7 ===== ===== Openlab Upgrade to CentOS7 =====
-All ICS Openlab hosts will be upgraded to CentOS7 for the Fall Quarter 2016.  Faculty may test out this new environment today by logging into openlab7.ics.uci.edu. ​  +All ICS Openlab hosts will be upgraded to CentOS7 for the Fall Quarter 2016.  Faculty may test out this new environment today by logging into openlab7.ics.uci.edu.
- +
-A new [[services:​sun_grid_engine:​tips_and_tricks|SGE]] queue of openlab hosts running CentOS7 is available now as "​[[services:​sun_grid_engine:​queues|openlab.q]]"​. +
- +
- +
-===== Openlab reboot ===== +
- +
-Openlab hosts will be rebooted througout the day to upgrade the operating system to CentOS 7 or to apply the latest CentOS7 patches. +
- +
- +
- +
-===== SPF Implementation ===== +
- +
- +
-ICS will be adding SPF records to our DNS record. ​ [[https://​en.wikipedia.org/​wiki/​Sender_Policy_Framework|More information on SPF]]  +
- +
-See [[services:​email-settings|email settings]] +
- +
-On September 21st, ICS will publish a list of authorized sending hosts. ​ After this change, email that is sent that does not originate on one of these valid email senders may be rejected. +
- +
- +
- +
- +
- +
- +
- +
 +===== Samba 4 Deployment =====
 +The Samba 4 servers will be deployed in place of the Samba 3 servers. ​ It is important that anyone who has their files opened through the Samba server should close any file connections opened on the desktop as the samba connection will be dropped.
 +===== ICS Mailman =====
 +Auto response on all ICS Mailman lists will be turned off in order to prevent mail bombing and preserve the ICS email server reputation.
projects/maint-9-21-2016.1469836433.txt.gz · Last modified: 2016/07/29 16:53 by Hans
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