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ICS Maintenance

September 21, 2016

We will be making multiple potentially disruptive changes to ICS systems on this day.


  • Impacting: SPF Email Implimentation, see below. (RT Ticket #59623)
  • Impacting: Openlab CentOS7 Update and new SGE queue
  • Cisco Network Firmware Update.
  • Operating System Patches for all hosts begins 9/18.
  • Libya UPS Maual Reconditioning in critical rack A05. (RT Ticket #59847)
  • Software Updates (default version will be set to the latest instaleld)
    • Virtual Box
    • Java
    • R
    • Mathematics
    • SAS
    • Matlab

SPF Implementation

ICS will be adding SPF TXT record to our DNS. After this change, email that is sent that does not originate on one of these valid email senders may be rejected. See email settings for more important information about how this affects uesrs at ICS.

Openlab CentOS7 Update and Patch

All Openlab Linux Hosts will be updated to the lastest version of CentOS7 Version and rebooted. Openlab hosts running CentOS6 will be reinstalled with the latest version of CentOS7.

All Openlab7 hosts will be members of the new SGE queue: openlab.q

You may experience the openlab CentOS7 environment now by logging into

You may submit jobs to the new openlab CentOS7 queue now using the queuename openlab.q.

Operating System Patches

Lates patches will be applied to all CentOS5, CentOS6 and CentOS7 hosts.

Operating System Patches

Lates patches will be applied to all CentOS5, CentOS6 and CentOS7 hosts.

Virtual Box Update

All ICS systems with Virtual Box currently installed will be updated to the latest available. Any running Virtual Box instances will be shutdown.

ICS Software Library Default Version Updates

We've installed new versions of some core packages in /pkg. Beginnin on 9/21, the module loads of the following packages (e.g. module load java) will load the most recent version in the package by default:

  • Java
  • R
  • Mathematica (Software is available from Support).

Openlab Upgrade to CentOS7

All ICS Openlab hosts will be upgraded to CentOS7 for the Fall Quarter 2016. Faculty may test out this new environment today by logging into

A new SGE queue of openlab hosts running CentOS7 is available now as “openlab.q”.

Openlab reboot

Openlab hosts will be rebooted througout the day to upgrade the operating system to CentOS 7 or to apply the latest CentOS7 patches.

projects/maint-9-21-2016.1470086795.txt.gz · Last modified: 2016/08/01 14:26 by hans
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