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projects:maint-fall-2018 [2018/10/05 09:28]
projects:maint-fall-2018 [2021/06/15 10:42] (current)
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-====== Fall Quarter ​2018 Maintenance Schedule ======+====== ​2018 Fall Quarter Maintenance Schedule ======
 +===Openlab Cluster Update ===
 +*** Downtime Notice ***
 +  * SYSTEM: ​        ​[[hardware:​cluster:​openlab|openlab]] systems
 +  * DATE:           ​12/​20/​2018
 +  * START TIME:     0800
 +  * DURATION: ​      8 hours               
 +All [[hardware:​cluster:​openlab|openlab]] hosts will be updated and rebooted to apply the latest operating system and security patches.  ​
 +(Please note this is an estimate; ​ systems may be up sonner later than expected, due to unforeseeable circumstances.)
 === Mimir Cluster Relocation === === Mimir Cluster Relocation ===
 *** Downtime Notice *** *** Downtime Notice ***
-SYSTEM: ​        mimir systems+  * SYSTEM: ​        mimir systems 
 +  * DATE:           ​10/​16/​2018 
 +  * START TIME:     ​0930 
 +  * DURATION: ​      2 hours               
-DATE:           ​10/​16/​2018+==AFFECTS== 
 +The mimir hosts will be relocated to another cabinet in the ICS Data Center.  ​
-START TIME:     0930+(Please note this is an estimate; ​ systems may be up sooneror later than expected, due to unforeseeable circumstances.)
-DURATION: ​      2 hours +=== Datalab Cluster Relocation === 
- +*** Downtime Notice ***
-                (Please note this is an estimate; ​ systems may be up sooner +
-                or later than expected, due to unforeseeable circumstances.)+
-AFFECTS       The mimir hosts will be relocated to another cabinet in the +  * SYSTEM        datalab systems 
-                ICS Data Center.+  * DATE:           ​10/​17/​2018 
 +  * START TIME:     ​0930 
 +  * DURATION: ​      2 hours               
 +The datalab hosts will be relocated to another cabinet in the ICS Data Center.  ​
 +(Please note this is an estimate; ​ systems may be up sooneror later than expected, due to unforeseeable circumstances.)
projects/maint-fall-2018.1538756893.txt.gz · Last modified: 2018/10/05 09:28 by Hans
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