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projects:maint-fall-2019 [2019/10/16 10:26]
Hans created
projects:maint-fall-2019 [2019/12/16 17:38] (current)
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-====== ​No Maintenance ​Currently ​Scheduled ======+==== Data Center Power Outage ​==== 
 +** Information Notice ** 
 +  * DATE: 12/​09/​2019 
 +  * START TIME: 0800 
 +  * DURATION: 2 hours 
 +** AFFECTS ** 
 +For servers that have dual power supplies, there will be a momentary loss of network connectivity before and after the outage. 
 +  * ava 
 +  * axon-mind 
 +  * c1ccccc1-2 
 +  * c1ccccc1-3 
 +  * c1ccccc1-4 
 +  * c1ccccc1-32 
 +  * c1ccccc1-38 to 55 
 +  * gallifrey 
 +  * hera 
 +  * new-c1ccccc1- 6   
 +  * new-c1ccccc1-10 
 +  * nimbus  
 +  * ochca1 
 +  * ochca2 
 +  * osgrid 
 +  * ronne 
 +  * ronne-raid 
 +  * ross 
 +  * unhygienix 
 +The following servers only have one power supply and will be offline during the outage: 
 +  * amazon 
 +  * apricot 
 +  * asterix-1 to 10 
 +  * cacofonix-1 to 5 
 +  * coyote 
 +  * ieee 
 +  * ipubmed1 to 3 
 +  * maxwell 
 +  * sensorium 1 to 38 
 +  * spiritbomb 
 +===== ICS Computing ​Maintenance ​ ​===== 
 +(RT Ticket #73221) 
 +Please note that we will be running maintenance on systems from 12/9/2019 until 12/​19/​2019. ​   
 +**Check back** to see updated scheduling. 
 +Services to upgrade 
 +**12/​9 ​Scheduled ​Maintenance** 
 +|72849|Limited Data Center Power Outage|0800|8 hours| 
 +**12/10 Scheduled Maintenance** 
 +|73225|Netapp Upgrade: ​ Not Downtime Anticipated|0800|2 hours| 
 +|TBD|Promote new domain controllers|0800|2 hours| 
 +|TBD|Security and Kernel Patch: ​ Infrastructure Systems (see below)|0800|5-30 minutes per host| 
 +**12/11 Scheduled Maintenance** 
 +|72959|Kubernetes: ​ Instruction ​ Cluster Helm Charts Updates|0800|All day| 
 +|73240|Downtime for Statistics hosts|0800|2 hours| 
 +|TBD|Security and Kernel Patch: ​ Infrastructure Systems (see below)|0800|5-30 minutes per host| 
 +**12/13 Scheduled Maintenance** 
 +|TBD|Security and Kernel Patch: ​ Infrastructure Systems (see below)|0800|5-30 minutes per host| 
 +**12/16 Scheduled Maintenance** 
 +|73378|Circinus(openlab) cluster update|0800|All day, 5-30 minutes per host| 
 +|TBD|Gitlab Update|0800|2 hours| 
 +|73228|Software Update|1300|N/​A| 
 +|TBD|Security and Kernel Patch: ​ Infrastructure Systems (see below)|0800|All day, 5-30 minutes per host| 
 +|73376|Security,​ CUDA and Kernel Patch: poison, velox,​hypernova|0800|4 hours| 
 +|TBD|Security and Kernel Patch: ​ Research Systems|0800|All day, 5-30 minutes per host| 
 +|TBD|Certificate Services to new Domain Controller|1300|2 hours| 
 +**12/17 Scheduled Maintenance** 
 +|73378|Circinus(openlab) cluster update|0800|All day, 5-30 minutes per host| 
 +|TBD|Security and Kernel Patch: ​ Infrastructure Systems (see below)|0800|All day, 5-30 minutes per host| 
 +|73374|Security,​ CUDA and Kernel Patch: arcus_cluster,​ nimbus|0900|4 hours| 
 +|TBD|Security and Kernel Patch: ​ Research Systems|0800|All day, 5-30 minutes per host| 
 +**12/18 Scheduled Maintenance** 
 +|73378|Centaurus(kubernetes) cluster update|0800|All day, 5-30 minutes per host| 
 +|TBD|Infrastructure Host Updates|0800|All day, 5-30 minutes per host| 
 +|73375|Security,​ CUDA and Kernel Patch: zen, bayonet_cluster,​ gauss|0900|4 hours| 
 +|TBD|Security and Kernel Patch: ​ Research Systems|0800|All day, 5-30 minutes per host| 
 +**12/19 Scheduled Maintenance** 
 +|73378|Centaurus(kubernetes) cluster update|0800|All day, 5-30 minutes per host| 
 +|TBD|Security and Kernel Patch: ​ Infrastructure Systems (see below)|0800|All day, 5-30 minutes per host| 
 +|TBD|Security and Kernel Patch: ​ Research Systems|0800|All day, 5-30 minutes per host| 
 +====Research Host Computing Kernel Patch and Reboot Schedule==== 
 +These hosts will be updated with the current kernel and security patches. Each system will be rebooted following the application of patches. 
 +===12/16 (Ticket 73383)=== 
 +  * drg 
 +  * titan_cluster 
 +  * mimir_cluster 
 +===12/17 (Ticket 73384)=== 
 +  * cloudet 
 +  * c1ccccc1-14 
 +  * c1ccccc1-35. 
 +  * c1ccccc1-36 
 +  * c1ccccc1-37 
 +  * 73384"​ 
 +  * c1ccccc1-7 
 +  * dover-1 
 +  * dover-2 
 +  * new-c1ccccc1-34 
 +===12/18 (Ticket 73384)=== 
 +  * datalab/​markov 
 +  * neuromancer 
 +  * kingoftown 
 +  * syn2-1 
 +  * syn2-2 
 +  * syn2-3 
 +  * hyperion 
 +  * invictus 
 +  * nebula-1 
 +  * nebula-2 
 +  * nebula-3 
 +  * nebula-4 
 +  * nebula-5 
 +  * nebula-6 
 +  * nebula-7 
 +  * sequel-1 
 +  * sequel-2 
 +  * sequel-3 
 +  * sequel-4 
 +  * sequel-5 
 +  * sequel-6 
 +  * lambda 
 +  * c1ccccc1-33 
 +====Infrastructure Host Computing Kernel Patch and Reboot Schedule==== 
 +  * addison.ics.uci.edu 
 +  * addison-v0.ics.uci.edu 
 +  * addison-v1.ics.uci.edu 
 +  * addison-v2.ics.uci.edu 
 +  * addison-v3.ics.uci.edu 
 +  * addison-v4.ics.uci.edu 
 +  * addison-v5.ics.uci.edu 
 +  * addison-v6.ics.uci.edu 
 +  * addison-v7.ics.uci.edu 
 +  * addison-v8.ics.uci.edu 
 +  * adrian-monk-v9.lom.ics.uci.edu 
 +  * adrian-monk.ics.uci.edu 
 +  * adrian-monk-v0.ics.uci.edu 
 +  * adrian-monk-v1.ics.uci.edu 
 +  * adrian-monk-v2.ics.uci.edu 
 +  * adrian-monk-v3.ics.uci.edu 
 +  * adrian-monk-v4.ics.uci.edu 
 +  * adrian-monk-v5.ics.uci.edu 
 +  * adrian-monk-v6.ics.uci.edu 
 +  * adrian-monk-v7.ics.uci.edu 
 +  * adrian-monk-v8.ics.uci.edu 
 +  * adrian-monk-v9.ics.uci.edu 
 +  * adrian-monk-v10.ics.uci.edu 
 +  * adrian-monk-v11.ics.uci.edu 
 +  * adrian-monk-v12.ics.uci.edu 
 +  * astro-boy.ics.uci.edu 
 +  * colin-baker.ics.uci.edu 
 +  * colin-baker-v0.ics.uci.edu 
 +  * colin-baker-v1.ics.uci.edu 
 +  * colin-baker-v2.ics.uci.edu 
 +  * colin-baker-v3.ics.uci.edu 
 +  * hercule-poirot.ics.uci.edu 
 +  * jo-grant.ics.uci.edu 
 +  * liz-shaw.ics.uci.edu 
 +  * matt-smith.ics.uci.edu 
 +  * matt-smith-v0.ics.uci.edu 
 +  * matt-smith-v1.ics.uci.edu 
 +  * matt-smith-v2.ics.uci.edu 
 +  * matt-smith-v3.ics.uci.edu 
 +  * matt-smith-v4.ics.uci.edu 
 +  * peter-capaldi.ics.uci.edu 
 +  * peter-capaldi-v0.ics.uci.edu 
 +  * peter-capaldi-v1.ics.uci.edu 
 +  * peter-capaldi-v2.ics.uci.edu 
 +  * peter-capaldi-v3.ics.uci.edu 
 +  * peter-capaldi-v4.ics.uci.edu 
 +  * kate-beckett.lom.ics.uci.edu 
 +  * kate-beckett-v2.lom.ics.uci.edu 
 +  * kate-beckett.ics.uci.edu 
 +  * kate-beckett-v0.ics.uci.edu 
 +  * kate-beckett-v1.ics.uci.edu 
 +  * kate-beckett-v2.ics.uci.edu 
 +  * kate-beckett-v3.ics.uci.edu 
 +  * kate-beckett-v4.ics.uci.edu 
 +  * kate-beckett-v5.ics.uci.edu 
 +  * john-luther.ics.uci.edu 
 +  * john-luther-v0.ics.uci.edu 
 +  * john-luther-v1.ics.uci.edu 
 +  * john-luther-v2.ics.uci.edu 
 +===12/17 === 
 +  * melvil-dewey.ics.uci.edu 
 +  * melvil-dewey-v0.ics.uci.edu 
 +  * melvil-dewey-v1.ics.uci.edu 
 +  * melvil-dewey-v2.ics.uci.edu 
 +  * nancy-drew.ics.uci.edu 
 +  * nancy-drew-v0.ics.uci.edu 
 +  * nancy-drew-v1.ics.uci.edu 
 +  * nancy-drew-v2.ics.uci.edu 
 +  * nancy-drew-v3.ics.uci.edu 
 +  * nancy-drew-v4.ics.uci.edu 
 +  * nancy-drew-v5.ics.uci.edu 
 +  * nancy-drew-v6.ics.uci.edu 
projects/maint-fall-2019.1571246785.txt.gz · Last modified: 2019/10/16 10:26 by Hans
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