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projects:maint-fall-2019 [2019/12/02 15:10]
Hans [ICS Computing Maintenance (RT Ticket #73221)]
projects:maint-fall-2019 [2019/12/16 17:38] (current)
Line 61: Line 61:
 |73225|Netapp Upgrade: ​ Not Downtime Anticipated|0800|2 hours| |73225|Netapp Upgrade: ​ Not Downtime Anticipated|0800|2 hours|
 |TBD|Promote new domain controllers|0800|2 hours| |TBD|Promote new domain controllers|0800|2 hours|
-|TBD|Security and Kernel Patch: ​ Infrastructure Systems (see below)|0800|All day|+|TBD|Security and Kernel Patch: ​ Infrastructure Systems (see below)|0800|5-30 minutes per host|
 **12/11 Scheduled Maintenance** **12/11 Scheduled Maintenance**
Line 67: Line 67:
 |72959|Kubernetes: ​ Instruction ​ Cluster Helm Charts Updates|0800|All day| |72959|Kubernetes: ​ Instruction ​ Cluster Helm Charts Updates|0800|All day|
 |73240|Downtime for Statistics hosts|0800|2 hours| |73240|Downtime for Statistics hosts|0800|2 hours|
-|TBD|Security and Kernel Patch: ​ Infrastructure Systems (see below)|0800|All day|+|TBD|Security and Kernel Patch: ​ Infrastructure Systems (see below)|0800|5-30 minutes per host|
 **12/13 Scheduled Maintenance** **12/13 Scheduled Maintenance**
 ^Ticket^Event^Begins^Duration^ ^Ticket^Event^Begins^Duration^
-|TBD|Security and Kernel Patch: ​ Infrastructure Systems (see below)|0800|All day|+|TBD|Security and Kernel Patch: ​ Infrastructure Systems (see below)|0800|5-30 minutes per host|
 **12/16 Scheduled Maintenance** **12/16 Scheduled Maintenance**
 ^Ticket^Event^Begins^Duration^ ^Ticket^Event^Begins^Duration^
-|73378|Circinus(openlab) cluster update|0800|All day|+|73378|Circinus(openlab) cluster update|0800|All day, 5-30 minutes per host|
 |TBD|Gitlab Update|0800|2 hours| |TBD|Gitlab Update|0800|2 hours|
-|TBD|Software Update|1300|N/​A| +|73228|Software Update|1300|N/​A| 
-|TBD|Security and Kernel Patch: ​ Infrastructure Systems (see below)|0800|All day|+|TBD|Security and Kernel Patch: ​ Infrastructure Systems (see below)|0800|All day, 5-30 minutes per host|
 |73376|Security,​ CUDA and Kernel Patch: poison, velox,​hypernova|0800|4 hours| |73376|Security,​ CUDA and Kernel Patch: poison, velox,​hypernova|0800|4 hours|
-|TBD|Security and Kernel Patch: ​ Research Systems|0800|All day|+|TBD|Security and Kernel Patch: ​ Research Systems|0800|All day, 5-30 minutes per host|
 |TBD|Certificate Services to new Domain Controller|1300|2 hours| |TBD|Certificate Services to new Domain Controller|1300|2 hours|
Line 86: Line 86:
 **12/17 Scheduled Maintenance** **12/17 Scheduled Maintenance**
 ^Ticket^Event^Begins^Duration^ ^Ticket^Event^Begins^Duration^
-|73378|Circinus(openlab) cluster update|0800|All day| +|73378|Circinus(openlab) cluster update|0800|All day, 5-30 minutes per host
-|TBD|Security and Kernel Patch: ​ Infrastructure Systems (see below)|0800|All day|+|TBD|Security and Kernel Patch: ​ Infrastructure Systems (see below)|0800|All day, 5-30 minutes per host|
 |73374|Security,​ CUDA and Kernel Patch: arcus_cluster,​ nimbus|0900|4 hours| |73374|Security,​ CUDA and Kernel Patch: arcus_cluster,​ nimbus|0900|4 hours|
-|TBD|Security and Kernel Patch: ​ Research Systems|0800|All day|+|TBD|Security and Kernel Patch: ​ Research Systems|0800|All day, 5-30 minutes per host|
 **12/18 Scheduled Maintenance** **12/18 Scheduled Maintenance**
 ^Ticket^Event^Begins^Duration^ ^Ticket^Event^Begins^Duration^
-|73378|Centaurus(kubernetes) cluster update|0800|All day| +|73378|Centaurus(kubernetes) cluster update|0800|All day, 5-30 minutes per host
-|TBD|Infrastructure Host Updates|0800|All day|+|TBD|Infrastructure Host Updates|0800|All day, 5-30 minutes per host|
 |73375|Security,​ CUDA and Kernel Patch: zen, bayonet_cluster,​ gauss|0900|4 hours| |73375|Security,​ CUDA and Kernel Patch: zen, bayonet_cluster,​ gauss|0900|4 hours|
-|TBD|Security and Kernel Patch: ​ Research Systems|0800|All day|+|TBD|Security and Kernel Patch: ​ Research Systems|0800|All day, 5-30 minutes per host|
 **12/19 Scheduled Maintenance** **12/19 Scheduled Maintenance**
 ^Ticket^Event^Begins^Duration^ ^Ticket^Event^Begins^Duration^
-|73378|Centaurus(kubernetes) cluster update|0800|All day| +|73378|Centaurus(kubernetes) cluster update|0800|All day, 5-30 minutes per host
-|TBD|Security and Kernel Patch: ​ Infrastructure Systems (see below)|0800|All day| +|TBD|Security and Kernel Patch: ​ Infrastructure Systems (see below)|0800|All day, 5-30 minutes per host
-|TBD|Security and Kernel Patch: ​ Research Systems|0800|All day|+|TBD|Security and Kernel Patch: ​ Research Systems|0800|All day, 5-30 minutes per host|
 ====Research Host Computing Kernel Patch and Reboot Schedule==== ====Research Host Computing Kernel Patch and Reboot Schedule====
Line 115: Line 115:
   * cloudet   * cloudet
   * c1ccccc1-14   * c1ccccc1-14
-  * c1ccccc1-33 
   * c1ccccc1-35.   * c1ccccc1-35.
   * c1ccccc1-36   * c1ccccc1-36
Line 123: Line 122:
   * dover-1   * dover-1
   * dover-2   * dover-2
-  * lambda 
-  * nebula-1 
-  * nebula-2 
-  * nebula-3 
-  * nebula-4 
-  * nebula-5 
-  * nebula-6 
-  * nebula-7 
   * new-c1ccccc1-34   * new-c1ccccc1-34
-  * sequel-1 +
-  * sequel-2 +
-  * sequel-3 +
-  * sequel-4 +
-  * sequel-5 +
-  * sequel-6+
 ===12/18 (Ticket 73384)=== ===12/18 (Ticket 73384)===
Line 150: Line 136:
   * invictus   * invictus
 +  * nebula-1
 +  * nebula-2
 +  * nebula-3
 +  * nebula-4
 +  * nebula-5
 +  * nebula-6
 +  * nebula-7
 +  * sequel-1
 +  * sequel-2
 +  * sequel-3
 +  * sequel-4
 +  * sequel-5
 +  * sequel-6
 +  * lambda
 +  * c1ccccc1-33
Line 191: Line 194:
   * colin-baker-v3.ics.uci.edu   * colin-baker-v3.ics.uci.edu
   * hercule-poirot.ics.uci.edu   * hercule-poirot.ics.uci.edu
- +  * jo-grant.ics.uci.edu 
- +  * liz-shaw.ics.uci.edu 
-===12/16=== +  * matt-smith.ics.uci.edu 
-  * john-luther.ics.uci.edu +  * matt-smith-v0.ics.uci.edu 
-  * john-luther-v0.ics.uci.edu +  * matt-smith-v1.ics.uci.edu 
-  * john-luther-v1.ics.uci.edu +  * matt-smith-v2.ics.uci.edu 
-  * john-luther-v2.ics.uci.edu+  * matt-smith-v3.ics.uci.edu 
 +  * matt-smith-v4.ics.uci.edu 
 +  * peter-capaldi.ics.uci.edu 
 +  * peter-capaldi-v0.ics.uci.edu 
 +  * peter-capaldi-v1.ics.uci.edu 
 +  * peter-capaldi-v2.ics.uci.edu 
 +  * peter-capaldi-v3.ics.uci.edu 
 +  * peter-capaldi-v4.ics.uci.edu
Line 210: Line 220:
   * kate-beckett-v4.ics.uci.edu   * kate-beckett-v4.ics.uci.edu
   * kate-beckett-v5.ics.uci.edu   * kate-beckett-v5.ics.uci.edu
 +  * john-luther.ics.uci.edu
 +  * john-luther-v0.ics.uci.edu
 +  * john-luther-v1.ics.uci.edu
 +  * john-luther-v2.ics.uci.edu
 ===12/17 === ===12/17 ===
   * melvil-dewey.ics.uci.edu   * melvil-dewey.ics.uci.edu
   * melvil-dewey-v0.ics.uci.edu   * melvil-dewey-v0.ics.uci.edu
Line 220: Line 239:
   * nancy-drew-v0.ics.uci.edu   * nancy-drew-v0.ics.uci.edu
   * nancy-drew-v1.ics.uci.edu   * nancy-drew-v1.ics.uci.edu
 +  * nancy-drew-v2.ics.uci.edu 
 +  * nancy-drew-v3.ics.uci.edu 
 +  * nancy-drew-v4.ics.uci.edu 
 +  * nancy-drew-v5.ics.uci.edu 
 +  * nancy-drew-v6.ics.uci.edu
projects/maint-fall-2019.1575328205.txt.gz · Last modified: 2019/12/02 15:10 by Hans
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