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projects:maint-spring-2018 [2018/06/15 13:36]
Hans [Summer Break Maintenance]
projects:maint-spring-2018 [2021/06/15 10:41] (current)
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-====== Spring Quarter ​2018 Maintentance ​Events ======+====== ​2018 Spring Quarter ​Maintenance ​Events ======
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   * **Most** IGB hosts will be rebooted.   * **Most** IGB hosts will be rebooted.
   * Hosts in the benzene cluster and dover-1 and dover-2 will be defered until after 1pm   * Hosts in the benzene cluster and dover-1 and dover-2 will be defered until after 1pm
-  * The Arcus cluster will be updated and reboot on Wednesday ​morning, 6/20.+  * The Arcus cluster will be updated and reboot on Tuesday ​morning, 6/26 and new CUDA installed.
   * Instructional hosts will be rebooted   * Instructional hosts will be rebooted
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 **Affected Hosts:​** ​ gitlab.ics.uci.edu (rockford-v3.ics.uci.edu) **Affected Hosts:​** ​ gitlab.ics.uci.edu (rockford-v3.ics.uci.edu)
-**Reason:​** ​ Upgrade Gitlab to the lastes ​version.+**Reason:​** ​ Upgrade Gitlab to the version ​11.2.3.
-**Impact:​** ​All Gitlab functions will be unavailable during the upgrade. ​+**Impact:​** ​ Gitlab functions will be unavailable ​intermittently ​during the upgrade. ​
 ==== Mail Scanner Updates ==== ==== Mail Scanner Updates ====
projects/maint-spring-2018.1529094962.txt.gz ยท Last modified: 2018/06/15 13:36 by Hans
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