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Spring Quarter 2018 Maintentance Events


Summer Break Maintenance

  • Date: 6/18/2018
  • Time: All Day

IGB Operating System Maintenance

Affected Hosts: All IGB Computing Hosts, All instructional computing hosts

Reason: Installation of the latest kernel and security patches that include mitigation for the Meltdown and Spectre and Meltdown vulnerabilities.


  • ALL IGB managed hosts in the affected groups will receive the latest OS patches.
  • ALL IGB hosts will be rebooted.
  • Instructional hosts will be rebooted

Hitachi Fiber Upgrade

SYSTEM: ICS Hitachi Storage

DATE: 4/16/2018


DURATION: 1 hour

REASON: Old fiber is being swapped with new ones to add more speed and bandwidth to the storage device.

AFFECTS: People with data on the device, ugrads that use the scratch space, and vagrant users can see some downtime.

Mail server migration

SYSTEM: SMTP (kate-beckett-v1, nancy-drew-v1, adrian-monk-v3), IMAP (columbo-v0, addison-v3, rockford-v4), MDA (kate-beckett-v5, nancy-drew-v5)

DATE: 4/10/2018


DURATION: 1 hour

REASON: These hosts are being moved to the new haproxy servers.

AFFECTS: Mail hosts are all affected by this change.

projects/maint-spring-2018.1527626452.txt.gz · Last modified: 2018/05/29 13:40 by Hans
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