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Spring Quarter 2018 Maintentance Events


Summer Break Maintenance

  • Date: 6/18/2018
  • Time: All Day

IGB and Instructional OS Maintenance

Affected Hosts: All IGB Computing Hosts and ll instructional computing hosts

Reason: Installation of the latest kernel and security patches. Includes mitigation for the Meltdown and Spectre and Meltdown vulnerabilities.


  • Most IGB managed hosts in the affected groups will receive the latest OS patches.
  • Most IGB hosts will be rebooted.
  • Hosts in the benzene cluster and dover-1 and dover-2 will be defered until after 1pm
  • The Arcus cluster will be updated and reboot on Tuesday morning, 6/26 and new CUDA installed.
  • Instructional hosts will be rebooted

Cisco Switch Power switchover

Affected Hosts: richard-castle, dover-1, dover-2, adrian-monk, tiamat, odin, disney, christopher-eccleston, liz-shaw, tom-baker, addison

Reason: Cisco switch is currently on a redundant power supply. When the RPS is turned off, it is expected for the Cisco switch to cut over to the main power.

Impact: All the hosts listed will lose network connection if the Cisco switch doesn't switch over to the main power as expected. Network connection should be back online in about 10 minutes.

MySQL Server Outage

Time: 0700

Duration: 30 minutes

Affected Hosts:

Reason: This is being done in order to make a new slave to the master MySQL server.

Impact: Services dependent on central database server will be unavailable. This includes most ICS web apps.

GitLab Server Outage

Time: 0800

Duration: 8 Hours

Affected Hosts: (

Reason: Upgrade Gitlab to the lastes version.

Impact: All Gitlab functions will be unavailable during the upgrade.

Mail Scanner Updates

SYSTEM: ICS MailScanner

DATE: 6/13/2018

REASON: Email service mail scanners are superior and more consistently maintained than ICS mail scanners.

AFFECTS: Email messages recieved by ICS that are forwarded onto another email service, including ICS Gmail, will no longer be scanned.

Hitachi Fiber Upgrade

SYSTEM: ICS Hitachi Storage

DATE: 4/16/2018


DURATION: 1 hour

REASON: Old fiber is being swapped with new ones to add more speed and bandwidth to the storage device.

AFFECTS: People with data on the device, ugrads that use the scratch space, and vagrant users can see some downtime.

Mail server migration

SYSTEM: SMTP (kate-beckett-v1, nancy-drew-v1, adrian-monk-v3), IMAP (columbo-v0, addison-v3, rockford-v4), MDA (kate-beckett-v5, nancy-drew-v5)

DATE: 4/10/2018


DURATION: 1 hour

REASON: These hosts are being moved to the new haproxy servers.

AFFECTS: Mail hosts are all affected by this change.

projects/maint-spring-2018.1529097256.txt.gz · Last modified: 2018/06/15 14:14 by Hans
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