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projects:maint-spring-2019 [2019/04/09 08:36]
dutran [Kenya UPS Battery Replacement]
projects:maint-spring-2019 [2019/05/23 13:56] (current)
zhaofel1 Add milky-way downtime at 5/27
Line 1: Line 1:
 ====== Spring 2019 Maintenance Schedule ====== ====== Spring 2019 Maintenance Schedule ======
 +===Downtime:​ milky-way===
 +* Downtime Notice *
 +  * SYSTEM: milky-way.ics.uci.edu
 +  * DATE: 5/27/2019
 +  * START TIME: 1400
 +  * DURATION: 2 hours
 +  * AFFECTS:
 +This host will lose power as part of the work done to fix IPMI access.
 ==== Kenya UPS Battery Replacement ==== ==== Kenya UPS Battery Replacement ====
projects/maint-spring-2019.1554824162.txt.gz ยท Last modified: 2019/04/09 08:36 by dutran
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