Affects: The network switch needs to be rebooted twice as it will lose power during the UPS replacement, once before and once after. The following hosts and services will be temporarily lose networking connection for about 3-5 minutes each time the switch gets rebooted:
backup tftp server - colin-v2
puppet6-2 - colin-v3
sge master 1 - paul-mcgann-v0
puppet4-1 - paul-mcgann-v1
Haproxy server - jo-grant
Ldap2 - rockford-v0
Emp7-2 rockford-v1
Vpn001 - rockford-v2
Lbnamed1 - rockford-v3
Imap0 - rockford-v4
Vault0 - rockford-v6
Gitlab-cs297p - rockford-v7
Ipa2 - rockford-v8
primary ftp server - rockford-v10
Windows domain controller - vega
Web services - peter-capaldi
Samba3 - drew-v0
mta1 smtp1 - drew-v1
Kickstart - drew-v2
phpadmin - drew-v3
Puppetdb - drew-v4
mailman-mta0 mmta0 mda0 - drew-v5
Const-esports - nancy-drew-v6
Gitlab-cs142a - nancy-drew-v7
Gitlab-cs142a-s20 - nancy-drew-v8
Students/faculty non-nfs server - dormouse