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services:datacenter:cs [2024/03/18 10:59]
dutran [Requirements for Equipment inside Data Center]
services:datacenter:cs [2024/12/13 08:46] (current)
luciad [ICS Primary Data Center]
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 ====== ICS Primary Data Center ​ ====== ====== ICS Primary Data Center ​ ======
-== Vital Statistics: ​August 2023 Census ==+== Vital Statistics: ​December 2024 Census ==
   * Size:  1600 sqft   * Size:  1600 sqft
   * HVAC:  3 Units   * HVAC:  3 Units
-  * Cabinets:+  * Cabinets: ​ 42
   * Servers (~800)   * Servers (~800)
-    * Bare Metal:  ​506+    * Bare Metal:  ​598
     * Virtual Machines: 300     * Virtual Machines: 300
-  * [[hardware:​storage|Storage]]: +  * [[hardware:​storage|Storage]] 
-    * Servers 20 +    * Servers20 
-    * Petabytes 3.2 PB+    * Petabytes:  ​3.2 PB
   * [[services:​network|Network]] (locally managed, 1/10/40GB)   * [[services:​network|Network]] (locally managed, 1/10/40GB)
     * Devices: 83     * Devices: 83
-    * Address ​apace +    * Address ​space: ​ 
-  * GPU Clusters +  * GPU 
-    * Clusters +    * Clusters:  8 
-    * 44 GPU Hosts+    * GPU hosts: ​ 44 
     * Distributed computing managed by [[services:​slurm|Slurm]]     * Distributed computing managed by [[services:​slurm|Slurm]]
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 All ICS faculty and researchers are welcome to place their equipment in the ICS data center so long as the equipment has the following attributes: All ICS faculty and researchers are welcome to place their equipment in the ICS data center so long as the equipment has the following attributes:
-  * **Rack mountable**: ​ The equipment must rack neatly and securely into a standard 19" cabinet. +  * **Rack mountable**: ​ The equipment must rack neatly and securely into a standard 19" cabinet. Rack mount kit is required
-  * **Advanced Out of Band Management**: ​ Often called BMC, iDRAC, IPMI, ILOM, or OOB, out of band management should provide complete remote administration with a full console.. +  * **Advanced Out of Band Management**: ​ Often called BMC, iDRAC, IPMI, ILOM, or OOB, out of band management should provide complete remote administration with a full console. 
-  * **Airflow**: ​ The ICS data center is split into hot and cold aisles. ​  Any equipment in the data center must take cold air in from the cold aisle and exhaust into a hot aisle. ​+  * **Trusted Platform Module (TPM)**: ​ We are encrypting Linux installs and the module allows the passphrase to be saved there to be used for autoboot
 +  * **Airflow**: ​ The ICS data center is split into hot and cold aisles. ​  Any equipment in the data center must take cold air in from the cold aisle and exhaust into a hot aisle. Typically, the means front to back airflow.
   * **Proper Form Factor**: ​ Equipment must actually fit in a standard rack or a specialty rack must be provided. ​ Typically, this means the equipment must have a depth of 30" or less.   * **Proper Form Factor**: ​ Equipment must actually fit in a standard rack or a specialty rack must be provided. ​ Typically, this means the equipment must have a depth of 30" or less.
     * **CAVEAT**: ​ A server with a depth of 31.5" can work if placed in a rack where the PDUs are not adjacent to each on the side of the rack.      * **CAVEAT**: ​ A server with a depth of 31.5" can work if placed in a rack where the PDUs are not adjacent to each on the side of the rack. 
   * **IPv4**: ​ The equipment must be capable of using an IPv4 address. ​ At this time we do not offer IPv6 addresses.   * **IPv4**: ​ The equipment must be capable of using an IPv4 address. ​ At this time we do not offer IPv6 addresses.
 +  * **Power Supply Cables**: ​ The standard power cord is C13-C14. ​ There are a limited number of C19-C20 connections in the datacenter.
 +    * Ask the vendor if a C19-C14 is a viable option for powering the server (ideally 4ft).
 ==== Additional Requirements for Managed Equipment ==== ==== Additional Requirements for Managed Equipment ====
-ICS Computing support can manage equipment that comes complete with minimal warranty. ​  We cannot support self assembled or DIY builds.  ​ICS faculty ​are welcome to house these systems in the ICS data center, ​but they must be self managed.+ICS Computing support can manage equipment that comes assembled, is certified for the intended OS, and includes a minimal warranty. ​  ​ICS ​researchers ​are welcome to house any system that meets the basic requirements and self-support ​but we are unable to provide support for self assembled or DIY builds
 ==== Provided ==== ==== Provided ====
services/datacenter/cs.1710784784.txt.gz · Last modified: 2024/03/18 10:59 by dutran
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