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services:datacenter:cs [2024/12/13 08:25]
luciad [ICS Primary Data Center]
services:datacenter:cs [2024/12/13 08:46] (current)
luciad [ICS Primary Data Center]
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 ====== ICS Primary Data Center ​ ====== ====== ICS Primary Data Center ​ ======
-== Vital Statistics: ​August 2023 Census ==+== Vital Statistics: ​December 2024 Census ==
   * Size:  1600 sqft   * Size:  1600 sqft
   * HVAC:  3 Units   * HVAC:  3 Units
-  * Cabinets:+  * Cabinets: ​ 42
   * Servers (~800)   * Servers (~800)
-    * Bare Metal:  ​506+    * Bare Metal:  ​598
     * Virtual Machines: 300     * Virtual Machines: 300
   * [[hardware:​storage|Storage]]   * [[hardware:​storage|Storage]]
services/datacenter/cs.1734107143.txt.gz ยท Last modified: 2024/12/13 08:25 by luciad
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