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start [2022/09/23 09:36]
start [2025/02/19 14:01] (current)
hans [ICS Wiki Pages]
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 ====== Bren School Computing Support ====== ====== Bren School Computing Support ======
 +Please visit[[https://​ucirvine.sharepoint.com/​sites/​ICS-Computing-Team/​SitePages/​ICS-Computing-Support-Group.aspx|ICS Computing Support Group Sharepoint Site]] for up to date news and announcments.
 ==== ICS Wiki Pages ==== ==== ICS Wiki Pages ====
-Welcome to the Information and Computer Sciences Wiki pages! ​ Access to most of the information in these ICS Wiki pages are restricted to [[accounts:​account_activation|ICS affiliates]]. Please make sure to login using an **ICS username/​password** if prompted. ​+** Past Promoted Articles** 
-** Promoted Articles **+  ​[[https://​www.canva.com/​design/​DAGC4m169vU/​pkuEbRPUtSdH7JpNr9cXbQ/​view?​utm_content=DAGC4m169vU&​utm_campaign=designshare&​utm_medium=link&​utm_source=editor|Winter 2024 Newsletter]] (external link)
   * [[virtual_environments:​jupyterhub|Check out Jupyterhub @ ICS]]   * [[virtual_environments:​jupyterhub|Check out Jupyterhub @ ICS]]
 +  * [[:​announce:​announce-2024|2024 Announcements ]]
 +  * [[:​projects:​maint-2024|2024 Maintenance Schedule]]
 +  * [[accounts:​password_change_reset|Lastpass Enterprise and other Password Management Tools]]
 +  * [[:​announce:​announce-2023|2023 Announcements ]]
 +  * [[:​projects:​maint-2023|2023 Maintenance Schedule]]
   * [[:​announce:​announce-2022|2022 Announcements ]]   * [[:​announce:​announce-2022|2022 Announcements ]]
   * [[:​projects:​maint-2022|2022 Maintenance Schedule]]   * [[:​projects:​maint-2022|2022 Maintenance Schedule]]
-  * [[accounts:​password_change_reset|Lastpass Enterprise and other Password Management Tools]] 
-** Past Promoted Articles** ​ 
   * [[:​announce:​announce-2021|2021 2021 Announcements]]   * [[:​announce:​announce-2021|2021 2021 Announcements]]
   * [[:​projects:​maint-spring-2021|Spring Quarter 2021 Maintenance Schedule]]   * [[:​projects:​maint-spring-2021|Spring Quarter 2021 Maintenance Schedule]]
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     * Location: Information and Computer Science Bldg. 302 Suite 346 Irvine Ca, 92697-3425     * Location: Information and Computer Science Bldg. 302 Suite 346 Irvine Ca, 92697-3425
     * Hours: Monday - Friday 8 am to 12 pm, 1 pm to 5 pm (excluding University holidays)     * Hours: Monday - Friday 8 am to 12 pm, 1 pm to 5 pm (excluding University holidays)
-    * Phone: 949-824-4222 
     * Email: helpdesk@ics.uci.edu ​     * Email: helpdesk@ics.uci.edu ​
     * [[sysops|System Operations]](Sysops)     * [[sysops|System Operations]](Sysops)
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-===== Contacting ICS Computing Support Helpdesk ====+==== Contacting ICS Computing Support Helpdesk ====
- +
-The ICS Computing Support Group should be contacted by email at helpdesk@ics.uci.edu and by phone at (949) 824-4222. ​ Both the Helpdesk email and phone are monitored around the clock. Using these contact methods helps us provide a quicker response to trouble tickets and requests.+
-For ICS-planned maintenance,​ check our calendar:+The ICS Computing Support Group should be contacted by email at helpdesk@ics.uci.edu. ​ Using these contact methods helps us provide a quicker response to trouble tickets and requests.
-  * [[https://​calendar.google.com/​calendar/​embed?​src=ics.uci.edu_rbt2q6kmhapqm4bjaet1j48h00@group.calendar.google.com&​ctz=America/​Los_Angeles|ICS Maintenance Calendar]] ​ 
-Please note:  If you believe that there is a problem with email delivery or that an email message to Helpdesk may not be processed by the ICS email servers, please call (949) 824-4222. 
-===== Deliveries ​=====+==== Deliveries ====
 ==== All Deliveries ==== ==== All Deliveries ====
Line 63: Line 62:
 <​code>​ <​code>​
-  ​__Your Name__ c/o ICS Computing Support ​Group +__Your Name__ c/o ICS Computing Support 
-  Information and Computer Science ​+University of California, Irvine 
-  Building 302 +346 Information and Computer Science 
-  Suite 346 +Irvine, ​CA 92697-3426
-  Irvine, ​Ca 92697-3425+
 </​code>​ </​code>​
 ==== Medium to Large Deliveries (i.e. pallets, carrier deliveries) ==== ==== Medium to Large Deliveries (i.e. pallets, carrier deliveries) ====
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-  * The loading docks are attached to Engineering Tower (Building 303 in quadrant 6E on the [[https://communications.uci.edu/documents/pdf/UCI_16_map_campus.pdf|Campus Map.]])+  * The loading docks are attached to Engineering Tower (Building 303 in quadrant 6E on the [[https://parking.uci.edu/maps/documents/UCI-MainCampusMap-REV012320-23.pdf|Campus Map.]])
   * Closest cross streets are Peltason Drive and Engineering Service Road.   * Closest cross streets are Peltason Drive and Engineering Service Road.
   * Loading docks are at the end of Engineering Service Road.   * Loading docks are at the end of Engineering Service Road.
start.1663950979.txt.gz · Last modified: 2022/09/23 09:36 by pnimsomb
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