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announce:fall-2020 [2020/12/04 16:37]
hans [ICS Account/ICS Gsuite Password Synchronization to End]
announce:fall-2020 [2021/01/12 14:07] (current)
luciad [ICS Account/ICS Gsuite Password Synchronization to End]
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 **Note**: ​ Some links  in this message will open to the [[https://​swiki.ics.uci.edu/​|Support Wiki]]. ​ Please use your [[https://​swiki.ics.uci.edu/​doku.php/​accounts:​faqs|ICS credentials]] when prompted. **Note**: ​ Some links  in this message will open to the [[https://​swiki.ics.uci.edu/​|Support Wiki]]. ​ Please use your [[https://​swiki.ics.uci.edu/​doku.php/​accounts:​faqs|ICS credentials]] when prompted.
 +==== ICS Account/ICS Gsuite Password Synchronization to End====
 +Final ICS Account/ICS Gsuite password synchronization has been delayed until 1/​5/​2021. ​  ​Unexpected messages were received during a test run of the new account synchronization. ​ Out of an abundance of caution we have delayed implementation until after the break while we work with our Google support team to ensure the notifications are harmless.
 +On January 5, 2021 ICS Computing Support will begin managing ICS account passwords and ICS Gsuite passwords separately. ​ **Most users will not immediately notice this change.** But this change means that, in the future, in order to change your [[accounts:​ics_google_apps|ICS Gsuite]] passwords you will use a new tool.  There will be no changes to the way that [[accounts:​faqs|ICS account]] passwords are managed.
 +  * To change the password for your campus ICS account, please continue using https://​password.ics.uci.edu
 +  * To change the password for your ICS Gsuite account, please log in to your ICS Gsuite account and use this [[https://​support.google.com/​accounts/​answer/​41078|Google Tool]]
 +Please send questions and comments to helpdesk@ics.uci.edu.
 +==== Future CentOS8 Distros @ ICS ====
 +In early December 2020, the CentOS project announced an abrupt change to it's CentOS8 and future relapse ​ roadmap. ​  The CentOS8 end of life has been moved up to [[https://​wiki.centos.org/​About/​Product|December 2021]] (about three years before CentOS7 in 2024). ​  
 +As a direct result, ICS Computing Support is suspending CentOS8 installation immediately. ​  We are considering a replacement distro for [[services:​supported_os|ICS Servers]]. ​  ​Licensed RHEL8 and Ubuntu 20.04 LTS the chief candidates. ​  If you have opinions, requirements,​ or goals you would like to share with us, please send email to helpdesk@ics.uci.edu.
 +ICS Computing Support Criteria:
 +  * Package based with security updates
 +  * Multi-year roadmap
 +  * Unattended installation ​
 +  * Vendor Support ​
 +  * Puppet Support
 +  * Security focused
 +  * Broad community adoption and support
 +  * Low cost
 +==== Updated Software ====
 +The following packages have been updated in the [[software:​software_library|ICS Software Library]] for Winter Quarter
 +  * anaconda/​2020.11 ​
 +  * vault/1.6.0
 +  * go/1.15.6
 +  * singularity/​3.7.0
 ==== ICS Grafana and Prometheus ==== ==== ICS Grafana and Prometheus ====
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 We are currently running the base Prometheus node_exporter as well as the Postfix SMTP exporter. ​  Feel free to send requests for additional dashboards or editors to helpdesk@ics.uci.edu. We are currently running the base Prometheus node_exporter as well as the Postfix SMTP exporter. ​  Feel free to send requests for additional dashboards or editors to helpdesk@ics.uci.edu.
 +==== ICS OpenGPU SGE Queue Removed ====
-==== ICS Account/ICS Gsuite Password Synchronization ​to End====+In order to reduce contention for resources on the [[hardware:​cluster:​opengpu|ICS OpenGPU cluster]] (currently consisting of a single node, poison.ics.uci.edu) we will be disabling the SGE queue. ​ Please use the [[services:​slurm|SLURM@ICS]] queue instead. ​ Send email messages to helpdesk@ics.uci.edu for help converting your SGE scripts ​to [[services:​slurm|SLURM]].
-On December 18th, 2020 ICS Computing Support will begin managing ICS account passwords and ICS Gsuite passwords separately. ​ **Most users will not immediately notice this change.** 
-But this change means that, in the future, in order to change your [[accounts:​ics_google_apps|ICS Gsuite]] passwords you will use a new tool.  There will be no change to the way that [[accounts:​faqs|ICS account]] passwords are managed. 
-  * To change the password for your campus ICS password, please continue using https://​password.ics.uci.edu 
-  * To change the password for your ICS Gsuite Password, please login to your ICS Gsuite account and use this [[https://​support.google.com/​accounts/​answer/​41078|Google Tool]] 
-Please send questions and comments to helpdesk@ics.uci.edu. 
 ==== Strict Spam Checking Applied to ICS Email Forwarding==== ==== Strict Spam Checking Applied to ICS Email Forwarding====
-ICS is changing ​it'​s ​spam and malware scanning policy to streamline delivery to external mail providers.+ICS is changing ​its spam and malware scanning policy to streamline delivery to external mail providers.
 **Who will this affect**: ​ This affects any user that forwards their ICS email to an external mail provider (e.g. @gmail.com, @hotmail.com) **Who will this affect**: ​ This affects any user that forwards their ICS email to an external mail provider (e.g. @gmail.com, @hotmail.com)
announce/fall-2020.1607128633.txt.gz ยท Last modified: 2020/12/04 16:37 by hans
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