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projects:maint-06-30-2017 [2017/08/24 14:26]
Hans [MySQL Server Upgrade]
projects:maint-06-30-2017 [2017/09/12 14:19] (current)
dutran [Google Dir Sync Update]
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 ====== Summer Maintenance Schedule ====== ====== Summer Maintenance Schedule ======
-==== MySQL Server ​Upgrade====+==== Gitlab PostgresSQL ​Upgrade ​Maintenance Window====
-SYSTEM: ​    ICS MySQL Server + 
-DATE:       8/18 +  * SYSTEM: ​Gitlab PostgreSQL ​Server 
-START TIME: 2000 +  ​* ​DATE:  ​Tuesday,​ August 29, 2017 
-DURATION: ​  4 hours+  ​* ​START TIME:  0800 
 +  ​* ​DURATION: ​ ​2 ​hours
 (Please note this is an estimate; ​ systems may be up sooner or later  (Please note this is an estimate; ​ systems may be up sooner or later 
 than expected, due to unforeseeable circumstances.) than expected, due to unforeseeable circumstances.)
-AFFECTS: ​       ​+**AFFECTS:**         
 +During this downtime window, the ICS Gitlab server will be unavailable.  ​
 +The PostgreSQL server used by the Gitlab server is being moved to another
 +host where a newer version of PostgreSQL has been installed. We need 
 +about two hours to make the full conversion. ​
 +                  pgsql 9.5 -> pgsql 9.6
 +Please send any questions or concerns to helpdesk@ics.uci.edu.
 +==== Mail Delivery Server Upgrade Maintenance Window====
 +On Tuesday, 8/29, we will be deploying a new mail delivery agent.  ​
 +**Affects: ​ **
 +During this maintenance window a new mail delivery server will replace the older mail delivery servers. ​ Email that is delivered locally may be delayed by up to an hour during the cut over.  No mail will be lost and this will will only affect email that is delivered locally.
 +Upgrades are required in order to replace underlying CentOS6 and Puppet2 host infrastructure.
 +==== MySQL Server Upgrade====
 +  * SYSTEM: ​    ICS MySQL Server
 +  * DATE:       8/30
 +  * START TIME: 2100
 +  * DURATION: ​  4 hours
 +(Please note this is an estimate; ​ systems may be up sooner or later 
 +than expected, due to unforeseeable circumstances.)
 During this downtime window, the ICS MySQL server will be unavailable ​ During this downtime window, the ICS MySQL server will be unavailable ​
 or available read-only. ​  ​Dependent services such as websites may be  or available read-only. ​  ​Dependent services such as websites may be 
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 The MySQL server is being upgraded and we need about four hours to  The MySQL server is being upgraded and we need about four hours to 
 make the full conversion. ​ The follow MySQL Server attributes will be improved: make the full conversion. ​ The follow MySQL Server attributes will be improved:
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  ====  ====
-\\+==== Haproxy ====
 +Retired and from haproxylb servers and moved them to haproxy
projects/maint-06-30-2017.1503610012.txt.gz · Last modified: 2017/08/24 14:26 by Hans
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