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projects:maint-06-30-2017 [2017/08/24 14:34]
Hans [MySQL Server Upgrade]
projects:maint-06-30-2017 [2017/09/12 14:19] (current)
dutran [Google Dir Sync Update]
Line 1: Line 1:
 ====== Summer Maintenance Schedule ====== ====== Summer Maintenance Schedule ======
 +==== Gitlab PostgresSQL Upgrade Maintenance Window====
 +  * SYSTEM: Gitlab PostgreSQL Server
 +  * DATE:  Tuesday, August 29, 2017
 +  * START TIME:  0800
 +  * DURATION: ​ 2 hours
 +(Please note this is an estimate; ​ systems may be up sooner or later 
 +than expected, due to unforeseeable circumstances.)
 +**AFFECTS:​** ​       ​
 +During this downtime window, the ICS Gitlab server will be unavailable.  ​
 +The PostgreSQL server used by the Gitlab server is being moved to another
 +host where a newer version of PostgreSQL has been installed. We need 
 +about two hours to make the full conversion. ​
 +                  pgsql 9.5 -> pgsql 9.6
 +Please send any questions or concerns to helpdesk@ics.uci.edu.
 ==== Mail Delivery Server Upgrade Maintenance Window==== ==== Mail Delivery Server Upgrade Maintenance Window====
Line 14: Line 38:
   * SYSTEM: ​    ICS MySQL Server   * SYSTEM: ​    ICS MySQL Server
-  * DATE:       8/18 +  * DATE:       8/30 
-  * START TIME: 2000+  * START TIME: 2100
   * DURATION: ​  4 hours   * DURATION: ​  4 hours
Line 92: Line 116:
  ====  ====
-\\+==== Haproxy ====
 +Retired and from haproxylb servers and moved them to haproxy
projects/maint-06-30-2017.1503610458.txt.gz · Last modified: 2017/08/24 14:34 by Hans
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