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ICS Summer Maintenance (6/27/2017)

Rack E03 (Self Managed) Switch Maint

Impact: Equipment in Rack E03 will be unavailable

The switch in Rack E03 is showing signs of failure. We will will need to reboot the switch and replace it if it doesn't come back online. This would leave hosts in this rack unavailable for a period of time.

Netapp Upgrade

Impact: Degraded Performance

The Schools Netapp FAS 8020 will be upgraded to the latest version of OnTAP8. The upgrade will take approximately 2 hours during which users may experience degraded performance. No downtime is expected.

School Wide CentOS and Ubuntu Upgrades and Reboot

Impact: Occasional service outages

All CentOS and Ubuntu hosts will received the latest updates in the week prior to maintenance day. Hosts that have been up for longer than six months will be rebooted during the day. The following hosts will be

MailScanner Upgrade

Impact: Mail delivered to ICS Spools will be delayed. Impact: Mail delivered resent to off campus ISP such as ICS Gsuites will not be delayed.

The schools MailScanner will be upgraded to the latest version.

MailScanner scans email for viruses, spam, phishing, malware, and other attacks against security vulnerabilities and plays a major part in the security of a network. By virtue of being open source, the technology in MailScanner has been reviewed many times over by some of the best and brightest in the field of computer security from around the world. MailScanner supports a wide range of MTAs and virus scanners to include the popular open source Clam AV. Spam detection is accomplished via Spamassassin, which is by far the most popular and standardized spam detection engine.

Google Dir Sync Update

Impact: Updates to Gsuite Accounts will be delayed.

The Google Dir Sync program will be updated. This program allows automation of some administrative tasks related to ICS GSuite accounts. Users should not notice any impact, however GSuite account updates may be delayed until maintenance is closed.

projects/maint-06-30-2017.1496959830.txt.gz · Last modified: 2017/06/08 15:10 by flukban
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